I need to customize the player & events template
I need to customize the player & events template page to fit my design
Hi Drinkbaar!
Give this a try:
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly $defaults = array( 'team' => null, 'id' => null, 'live' => get_option( 'sportspress_enable_live_countdowns', 'yes' ) == 'yes' ? true : false, ); if ( isset( $id ) ): $post = get_post( $id ); else: $args = array(); if ( isset( $team ) ) $args = array( array( 'key' => 'sp_team', 'value' => $team ) ); $post = sp_get_next_event( $args ); endif; extract( $defaults, EXTR_SKIP ); if ( ! isset( $post ) ) return; $id = $post->ID; $teams = get_post_meta( $id, 'sp_team' ); ?> <div class="upcoming-match-item-wrapper gdlr-item" style="margin-bottom: 0px;"> <div class="upcoming-match-overlay"></div> <div class="gdlr-upcoming-match-team-wrapper"> <span class="gdlr-upcoming-match-team gdlr-left"><?php echo get_the_title( $teams[0] ); ?></span> <span class="gdlr-upcoming-match-versus">VS</span> <span class="gdlr-upcoming-match-team gdlr-right"><?php echo get_the_title( $teams[1] ); ?></span> </div> <span class="match-result-info-wrapper"> <span class="upcoming-match-info-overlay"></span> <span class="match-result-info"> <i class="icon-location-arrow"></i> <?php /* Begin venue*/ if ( get_option( 'sportspress_event_show_venue', 'yes' ) === 'no' ) return; if ( ! isset( $id ) ) $id = get_the_ID(); $venues = get_the_terms( $id, 'sp_venue' ); if ( ! $venues ) return; $show_maps = get_option( 'sportspress_event_show_maps', 'yes' ) == 'yes' ? true : false; $link_venues = get_option( 'sportspress_link_venues', 'no' ) == 'yes' ? true : false; foreach( $venues as $venue ): $t_id = $venue->term_id; $meta = get_option( "taxonomy_$t_id" ); $name = $venue->name; if ( $link_venues ) $name = '<a href="' . get_term_link( $t_id, 'sp_venue' ) . '">' . $name . '</a>'; echo $name; /* Echoes venue name*/ ?> <?php endforeach; /* End venue*/ if ( isset( $show_league ) && $show_league ): $leagues = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'sp_league' ); if ( $leagues ): foreach( $leagues as $league ): $term = get_term( $league->term_id, 'sp_league' ); echo $term->name; endforeach; endif; endif; ?> </span> <span class="match-result-info"> <i class="icon-calendar"></i><?php $now = new DateTime( current_time( 'mysql', 0 ) ); $date = new DateTime( $post->post_date ); $interval = date_diff( $now, $date ); $days = $interval->invert ? 0 : $interval->days; $h = $interval->invert ? 0 : $interval->h; $i = $interval->invert ? 0 : $interval->i; $s = $interval->invert ? 0 : $interval->s; ?><time datetime="<?php echo $post->post_date; ?>"<?php if ( $live ): ?> data-countdown="<?php echo str_replace( '-', '/', $post->post_date ); ?>"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo sprintf( '%02s', $days ); ?> <small><?php _e( 'days', 'sportspress' ); ?></small><?php echo sprintf( '%02s', $h ); ?> <small><?php _e( 'hrs', 'sportspress' ); ?></small><?php echo sprintf( '%02s', $i ); ?> <small><?php _e( 'mins', 'sportspress' ); ?></small><?php echo sprintf( '%02s', $s ); ?> <small><?php _e( 'secs', 'sportspress' ); ?></small></time></span> </span> </div>
Hope it works! I’ll leave the formatting to you. ??
RichardYou can delete the row that reads
$show_maps = get_option( 'sportspress_event_show_maps', 'yes' ) == 'yes' ? true : false;
Wauw, your solution works like a charm! Really nice and thank you. At this very moment I’m editing the player_list layout as well and it gives me headaches!
Drinkbaar, You are welcome!
I think you will be better off starting a new thread with your player list problem. Write a good description of your problem as subject. You will probably get more help than burying it in this thread. If you haven’t solved it by now, that is… ??/Richard
is it possible to see only author’s created content on Dropdowns of sportspress in the backend?
@gianluca.tortorella Please avoid posting the same question in multiple areas. You’ve created your own topic about this and have also asked the same question again in your other topic.
Thanks for the answers to this page. It’s wonderful!
You had mentioned that the API function now can recall the Results with Teams (i.e. Team A 3 – Team B 2) which is wonderful but I realized that the Team names are not displayed:
Team A 3
Team B 2There doesn’t some to be a shortcode function in there, do you know if one exists or do I have to write the recall myself in the .php. Thanks!
@jonchin19 we recently added more API functions to make it easier to create custom templates: https://github.com/ThemeBoy/SportsPress/blob/master/includes/sp-api-functions.php
I think the function to use for this would be:
<?php sp_the_main_results( $post_id ); ?>
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