• Okay, so let’s try this again.

    I need help. I need Plugins. I upgraded my account to www.remarpro.com (a domain) about two weeks ago. I was not aware of Plugins then, and I wasn’t aware that I should be granted access to them after my upgrade.

    Hence, the problem.

    I realize that nobody with a wordpress.com account has Plugins. I know this. That is not my situation. My situation is that, despite my paid account upgrade to a domain, I am yet missing functions from my administration panel. Can anybody tell me why/ how this might have happened, and how I may resolve it, without cancelling my account? I would really appreciate it. Really. I’m at the end of my rope, here.

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  • And yes, awesome, you are an admin? Super!

    Yep, I’m real good at dealing with spam and other backend duties at a forum. And I volunteer. I’m patient. But that doesn’t make me omniscient ??

    Your new host can help you get DNS squared away — after all, you’re paying them, right? ?? Your “specieshanginthebalance.com” domain name needs to point to your new host, not wordpress.com.

    See, right now the DNS records for your domain name are pointed to wordpress.com servers. (see here) That’ll need to be updated to point to your new host’s servers (your new host will provide you those addresses.)

    I know it isn’t the all-inclusive answer you’re after, but hopefully it gets you headed in the right direction. ??

    I’m afraid you may be confused about a few things. WordPress is free to use on your own site, it’s open-source.

    If you upgraded anything at your blog on wordpress.com, it would not affect anything you have on your site if it’s hosted on another server.

    It seems that either, A) You have directed the domain name you purchased to your wordpress.com blog and haven’t changed it so that it points toward your stand alone site, or B) You upgraded your wordpress.com blog to include some premium features but haven’t set up your own separate site.

    Thread Starter znichols1981


    batrachoid—you are right, and let me just say:

    Okay, so either a) this has to do with the fact that my domain doesn’t swap to godaddy.com for another, like, 60 days, or

    I don’t normally like to quote myself, but in this case, I believe it makes sense. So, I was right, also. I must wait for the 60 day period to transfer my domain? Is that it? And, by the way, is that NORMAL?!?! Because if so, then that is the worst thing I have ever heard, and it should be made explicitly clear, before users proceed with the transition process. Maybe this isn’t a wordpress issue (It’s certainly not your fault, and perhaps better to take it up with godaddy), but users should at least be forewarned that two months will go by, before they can do anything meaningful with their site!

    Chris K (Mr. Backend Duties…lol), thanks for your assistance, even if solving these kinds of problems isn’t necessarily your expertise. Actually, you were quite helpful! So, no worries, we can just pretend you are one of the geeks who (I still need) to come to my rescue. ; ) Yeah! Everybody wins!

    Wait…except me, cuz my stupid idiot website still doesn’t work.

    Oh, well. If anybody finds anything I said useful towards finding me a better solution, sweeeeeeeeet. If not, I’m not surprised. I should have known this would happen to me (oh, and boo-hoo, right?).

    I are a sad panda… : (

    Who told you that it would take 60 days to redirect your domain?

    I have a feeling you may still be mixed up about where your domain is pointing and why.

    Thread Starter znichols1981


    Who told you that it would take 60 days to redirect your domain?

    Godaddy. They told me. In an email. Wanna see it?

    Dear Azora Nichols,

    You recently purchased a domain name registrar transfer for:

    However, the domain was registered on 07-Apr-10. Domain
    names may not be transferred until after the first 60 days of
    the initial registration.

    We will keep your transfer active and process it on 06-Jun-10.
    We will email the administrative contact at that time for
    their approval to proceed.

    Current Administrative Contact Email:

    Please DO NOT try to re-order the transfer. If you need
    additional assistance, contact us at (480) 505-8877 or
    email us at [email protected]. We’re here 24
    hours a day, 7 days a week.

    GoDaddy.com, Inc.

    So, what the hell? Are they hustling me, or something?

    Thread Starter znichols1981


    By the way, wordpress sees it as a .com, too. So that’s that. I am mystified.


    You’re not bugging us at all. We’re here to answer questions.

    The plugins section isn’t actually available for WordPress.com blogs (even if you purchase a custom domain). The ability to upload plugins is a feature only available for WordPress blogs that have been setup using the open source software from www.remarpro.com on a separate web hosting account.

    Check out this help page to learn more about the differences between WordPress.com and www.remarpro.com:

    That’s it. I wanna kill myself. This is awful….

    (ps. I obviously don’t want to kill myself… I was exaggerating).

    I don’t know how to break this to you but that email is in regards to transferring ownership of a registered domain.

    GoDaddy has always had a knack for misunderstanding, at least in the few instances I’ve dealt with them.

    What you want is to redirect your domain.

    Thread Starter znichols1981


    Oh, bloody hell…I knew I would have to get on the horn with someone. I wonder if I can stop these shennanegans via the internet. But (surprise, surprise) they either don’t have online customer service, or they make this service so obscure, it’s nearly impossible to find on their site.

    Okay. Case closed. This is their fault, or my fault, or nobody’s fault, but it’s certainly no longer wordpress’s fault. Good enough. I’ll take it up with the proper authorities, then.

    You have been MOST helpful, batrachoid. What would I have done, without your advice and knowledge? I would still be spinning my wheels, downloading all sorts of files to my computer unnecessarily, and screaming at my screen, “Why?? Why won’t you just work??!! This is ridiculous!!”

    I thank you. No more yelling. = )

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