• Hello WordPress members,

    I am nearly to the end of developing my website.. I can see the finish line.. ??
    But there is only problem that keeps me from publishing my very first WordPress project.

    I have spend more than 2 days of fixing this bug but I CANNOT fix it.. I really can’t..
    I have read almost the whole google engine and nothing :D..

    So here is my problem..

    This is my Code…

    <?php  if (is_user_logged_in()) {
              $user = wp_get_current_user();
              echo 'Welcome <strong>'.$user->display_name.'</strong>';
                            } else { ?>
               <strong><?php wp_loginout($_SERVER['https://play-us.com/']); ?></strong>
               <a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-login.php?action=register" class="simplemodal-register"><strong>Register</strong></a>
              <?php } ?>

    I want to add LOG OUT Right next to
    echo 'Welcome <strong>'.$user->display_name.'</strong>';

    I really need your help guys..

    I cannot fix this…
    I cannot :@:@.. These are the things that are stopping my website of getting published.. ?? And the worst things is that I have a dead line, because my google AdWords voucher is getting expired ?? Which is very bad for me.. ??

    So Please guys help me out ??


    (P.S. Sorry for my bad English, but I’m still learning it)

    Best Regards,

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