I need help with PHP
I have a problem inserting this PHP code:
<?PHP // --- - -------- -- -------- ----- ---- // B2B - BUSINESS TO BUSINESS ORDER FORM // w/ automatic delimited file form fill // w/ automatic s/h & total calculations // --- - -------- -- -------- ----- ---- // If you're a vendor providing this form for your business customers to use, // some preset variables should most likely be empty (""). // If you're a business customer using this to send e-mail orders to your vendor, // you can save typing by filling in most of the following preset variables. // --- - -------- -- -------- ----- ---- // ABOUT THE AUTHOR // Keith D Commiskey (c)2006 // https://kdcinfo.com - Web Development, Database Development, 3D Graphics and Computer Animation // https://giftsforyou.biz - Collectible Crystal Figurines and other affordable gifts // --- - -------- -- -------- ----- ---- $STN = "Matrix Imports - E-mail Order Form - <i>You will recieve a confirmation e-mail and<br />an e-mail with your total cost shortly after.</i>"; // Vendor: Use space-hyphen-space for line breaks $CNv = "My Company, Inc."; // Reseller's company name (default value on form) // First 15 characters will be on e-mail subject line $MailFr = "[email protected]"; // Your e-mail address (Trial Run and CC on Good Run) $MailTo = "[email protected]"; // Vendor's e-mail address (Good Run) $Say1t = "Standard"; // Shipping Method 1 - Form view $Say1c = ""; // Shipping Method 1 - Comments $Say2t = "Rush"; // Shipping Method 2 - Form view $Say2c = "Please OVERNIGHT"; // Shipping Method 2 - Comments $SalesTax = "0.875"; // Sales tax - use format: 0.xxx (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) $ShipMultiple = "2.00"; // Shipping for items if more than 1; first is full shipping // Make empty quotes "" to keep actual shipping. $Pay1t = "COD"; // Payment Option 1 - Form view $Pay1c = "Cash on Delivery"; // Payment Option 1 - Comments (e.g., E-mail) $Pay2t = "CC on File"; // Payment Option 2 - Form view $Pay2c = "Last Four: 1234"; // Payment Option 2 - Comments (e.g., E-mail) $Pay3t = "Net 30"; // Payment Option 2 - Form view $Pay3c = "Apply for Net 30"; // Payment Option 2 - Comments (e.g., E-mail) $Xtra1t = "Option<br />1"; // Extra Option 1 - leave empty quotes "" for none $Xtra1c = "2.50"; // Cost - decimal only (numbers & decimal only) $Xtra2t = "Option<br />2"; // Extra Option 2 - leave empty quotes "" for none $Xtra2c = "5.00"; // Cost - decimal only (numbers & decimal only) $Handling = "0.00"; // Vendor handling fee - Make 0.00 for none $UNSure = "(Please update costs: There is no set formula for Rush shipping.)"; // e.g., If you'd like shipping calculations to be validated by vendor $FormTitleNote = "*You can either submit your order through this page or print and fax it to: <strong>(954) 970-0289</strong><br>"; $FormTitleNote .= "*We accept checks and major credit cards."; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title><? echo $STN; ?></title> <meta name="description" content="B2B Order Form - (Business-to-Business Order Form) by Keith D Commiskey"> <meta name="keywords" content="order form, b2b order form, business-to-business order form, b2b web development, b2b e-commerce, b2b needs, purchase order form, order form template"> <script language="JavaScript" src="cf.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function sepIt (CObj,CObjInt,HowMany) { with (document.postit) { var CObjSplit CObjSplit = CObj[CObj.selectedIndex].value.split("|"); eval('F'+CObjInt+'a').value = CObjSplit[0]; eval('F'+CObjInt+'c').value = (CObjSplit[1]*1).toFixed(2); if (CObjInt>1) <? if ($ShipMultiple!="") { ?> { eval('F'+CObjInt+'d').value = (<? echo $ShipMultiple; ?>*1).toFixed(2);} <? } else { ?> { eval('F'+CObjInt+'d').value = (CObjSplit[2]*1).toFixed(2);} <? } ?> else { eval('F'+CObjInt+'d').value = (CObjSplit[2]*1).toFixed(2);} eval('F'+CObjInt+'b').value = CObjSplit[3]; // item #|cost|shipping|item name putTotal(HowMany); } } function putTotal (HowMany) { var FValc, FVald, i FValc = 0; // Total Cost FVald = 0; // Shipping Cost for (i=1; i<=HowMany.value; i++) { with (document.postit) { FVald = FVald+(eval('F'+i+'d').value*1); FValc = FValc+((eval('F'+i+'c').value*1)*(eval('F'+i+'q').value*1))+(eval('F'+i+'d').value*1); if (eval('F'+i+'x').checked == true) { FValc = FValc+(eval('F'+i+'x').value*1); } if (eval('F'+i+'y').checked == true) { FValc = FValc+(eval('F'+i+'y').value*1); } } } if (FVald < 2) { document.postit.SC.value = FVald.toFixed(2); } else { document.postit.SC.value = (FVald+1).toFixed(2); } document.postit.TC.value = (FValc+<? echo $Handling; ?>).toFixed(2); } function intThis (decIt) { decIt.value = (decIt.value*1).toFixed(2); } function intThis0 (decIt) { if (decIt.value!="") { decIt.value = (decIt.value*1).toFixed(0); } } </script> <style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; color: Navy; } P { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; color: Navy; } TD { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; color: Navy; } A { color: #0000FF; text-decoration: none; } A:visited { color: #3344FF; text-decoration: none; } A:hover { color: #CC0033; text-decoration : underline; background-color:#E6E9FE; } H1 { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large; color: Navy; font-weight : bold; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px; } H2 { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; color: Navy; font-weight : bold; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px; } H3 { font-family: arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; color: Maroon; font-weight : bold; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; margin : 0px 0px 5px 0px; } //--> </style> </head> <? if (!isset($_POST['NewWin'])) { echo "<body onload=\"document.postit.SID.focus();\">"; } else { echo "<body>"; } if ((!isset($_POST['HowMany']))||((isset($_POST['HowMany']))&&($_POST['HowMany']==''))) { $HowMany = 5; } else { $HowMany = $_POST['HowMany']; if ((isset($_POST['SendItGood']))&&($_POST['SendItGood']=="1")&&($_POST['DT']=="")) { $GoodToGo = "Delivery address was empty..."; } else if ((isset($_POST['SendItGood']))&&($_POST['SendItGood']=="1")) { $GoodToGo = "Mailing... "; $bName1 = $MailTo; // Active Address (good run) $bNameP = $_POST['EID']; // Return Path $bNameR = $_POST['EID']; // Return Receipt To $bNameF = $_POST['EID']; // From Address $bNameE = $_POST['EID']; // Return Errors To $bName2 = $_POST['EID']; // Test Address (trial run) and CC (good run) $rsMailSubjectC = ""; $rsSubtotal = 0; for ($iq = 1; $iq <= $HowMany; $iq++) { $rsMailSubjectC .= $_POST['F'.$iq.'a'] . ","; } $rsMailSubjectC = substr($rsMailSubjectC, 0, strlen($rsMailSubjectC)-1); for ($ib = 1; $ib <= $HowMany; $ib++) { $rsMailBody .= "[Q:".$_POST['F'.$ib.'q']."] [".$_POST['F'.$ib.'a']."] \n"; $rsMailBody .= "\t".$_POST['F'.$ib.'b']."\n"; if ($_POST['F'.$ib.'x']!="") { $rsMailBody .= "\t".$Xtra1t." - $".$Xtra1c."\n"; } if ($_POST['F'.$ib.'y']!="") { $rsMailBody .= "\t".$Xtra2t." - $".$Xtra2c."\n"; } if ($_POST['TAG'.$ib.'g']!="") { $rsMailBody .= "\t[TAG: ".$_POST['TAG'.$ib.'g']."]\n"; } } $rsMailBody.="\n"; $rsMailBody .= "DELIVER TO:\n"; $rsMailBody .= str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST['DT'])."\n\n"; $rsMailBody .= "MESSAGE:\n"; if ($_POST['Msg']==""){$rsMailBody .= "\n";}else{$rsMailBody .= $_POST['Msg']."\n\n";} $rsMailBody .= "COMMENTS:\n"; if ($_POST['CMsg']==""){$rsMailBody .= "\n";}else{$rsMailBody .= $_POST['CMsg']."\n\n";} $rsMailBody .= "SHIPPING / PAYMENT:\n"; if ($_POST['SMc']=="") { $rsMailBody .= $_POST['SM']."\n"; } else { $rsMailBody .= $_POST['SM']." (".$_POST['SMc'].")\n"; } if ($_POST['PMc']=="") { $rsMailBody .= $_POST['PM']."\n"; } else { $rsMailBody .= $_POST['PM']." (".$_POST['PMc'].")\n"; } $rsMailBody .= "\nThanks!\n--\n".$_POST['CN']; $mail = new mime_mail(); $mail->from = $bNameF; if (isset($_POST['TestSend'])) { $mail->to = $bName2; $GoodToGo .= "(Trial Run)..."; } else { $mail->to = $bName1; $mail->cc = $bName2; $GoodToGo .= "(Good Run)..."; } if ($_POST['SM']=="Standard") { if ($_POST['SID']=="") { $rsMailSubj = "Web Order- ".substr($_POST['CN'], 0, 15)." (".$rsMailSubjectC.")"; } else { $rsMailSubj = "Web Order- ".substr($_POST['CN'], 0, 15)."- ".$_POST['SID']." (".$rsMailSubjectC.")"; } } else { if ($_POST['SID']=="") { $rsMailSubj = "Web Order- ".substr($_POST['CN'], 0, 15)."- RUSH (".$rsMailSubjectC.")"; } else { $rsMailSubj = "Web Order- ".substr($_POST['CN'], 0, 15)."- RUSH- ".$_POST['SID']." (".$rsMailSubjectC.")"; } } $mail->subject = $rsMailSubj; $mail->body = $rsMailBody; $mail->path = $bNameP; $mail->receipt = $bNameR; $mail->errors = $bNameE; $mail->headers = "text/plain; charset=utf-7"; // correct - ? is ? $mail->send($rsMailBody); $GoodToGo .= " Mail has been sent!<br><br>"; } } ?> <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="700" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt"> <? if (isset($GoodToGo)) { echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><H2 style=\"color:Maroon;\">$GoodToGo</H2></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"height:1px;font-size:xx-small;\" height=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><hr width=\"100%\" size=\"1\" color=\"#800000\" noshade></td></tr>"; } ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="3"> <H1><? echo str_replace(" - ", "<br>", $STN); ?></H1> <? if (!isset($_POST['NewWin'])) { if ($FormTitleNote!="") { echo $FormTitleNote; } } ?> <? if (!isset($_POST['NewWin'])) { ?> <br> <? } ?> </td></tr> <? if (isset($_POST['NewWin'])) { echo "<tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\" style=\"color:Maroon;\"><P> </P>"; if ((isset($_POST['SendItGood']))&&($_POST['SendItGood']=="1")&&($_POST['DT']=="")) { echo "<P><strong>Delivery address was empty, therefore, mail was NOT sent.</strong><br><br>Please <a HREF=\"javascript:self.close();\">close this window</a> to return to your order form.</P><br>"; } else { if (isset($_POST['TestSend'])) { echo "<P><strong>Sent TO</strong>: ".$bName2."</P>"; } else { echo "<P><strong>Sent TO</strong>: ".$bName1."<br><strong>Sent CC</strong>: ".$bName2."</P>"; } echo "<P><strong>Mail has been sent.</strong> Please <a HREF=\"javascript:self.close();\">close this window</a> to return to your order form.</P><br>"; echo "<div align=\"left\"><pre style=\"font-size:small;\"><strong>SUBJECT</strong>: ".$rsMailSubj."<br><br>\n\n"; echo $rsMailBody."</pre></div><br><br>"; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; exit(); } ?> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:1px;font-size:xx-small;" height="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#800000" noshade></td></tr> <form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" name="postit" id="postit" target="_self"> <?PHP echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#DDEEFF\"><td align=\"right\"></td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['SID'])) { echo ""; } else { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"SID\" id=\"SID\" size=\"15\" value=\"\" style=\"display:none\">"; } echo " </td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#DDEEFF\"><td align=\"right\"><strong>E-mail Address</strong></td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['EID'])) { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"EID\" id=\"EID\" size=\"35\" value=\"".$_POST['EID']."\">"; } else { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"EID\" id=\"EID\" size=\"35\" value=\"$MailFr\">"; } echo " Your e-mail address</td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#DDEEFF\"><td align=\"right\"><strong>Company Name</strong></td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['CN'])) { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"CN\" id=\"CN\" size=\"35\" value=\"".$_POST['CN']."\">"; } else { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"CN\" id=\"CN\" size=\"35\" value=\"$CNv\">"; } echo " Your company name<br /> </td></tr>"; ?> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="3">How Many Different Products are you ordering?<br /></td></tr><tr> <td width="100" valign="top" colspan="3"><input type="Text" name="HowMany" id="HowMany" value="<? echo $HowMany; ?>" size="2"> <button type="submit" name="Reset2" id="Reset2" onclick="SendItGood.value='0';NewWin.checked=false;document.postit.target='_self';">Update</button></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" valign="top"><strong>Note:</strong> Any item entries will be reset</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:1px;font-size:xx-small;" height="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#800000" noshade></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"> </td><td> </td><td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt"><tr> <td width="138">Item #</td> <td width="72" align="center">Qty</td> <td width="223" align="center">Item Name</td> <td width="123" align="center">TAG#</td> <td width="85" align="center"> </td> </tr></table> </td></tr> <?PHP for ($iT = 1; $iT <= $HowMany; $iT++) { echo "<tr><td align=\"right\"><strong>Item {$iT}</strong></td><td> </td><td>\n"; echo "\t<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt\"><tr>\n"; echo "\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"F{$iT}a\" id=\"F{$iT}a\">\n"; echo "\t<td width=\"100\">\n"; echo "\t\t<select name=\"DisperseIt{$iT}\" id=\"DisperseIt{$iT}\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"sepIt(this,$iT,document.postit.HowMany);\">\n"; echo "\t\t<option value=\"\" SELECTED>Item #</option>\n"; $handle = fopen("b2b_text.txt", "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, "|")) !== FALSE) { echo "\t\t<option value=\"".$data[0]."|".$data[2]."|".$data[3]."|".$data[1]."|\">".$data[0]."</option>\n"; } fclose($handle); echo "\t\t</select>\n\t</td>\n"; echo "\t<td width=\"40\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"F{$iT}q\" id=\"F{$iT}q\" size=\"2\" value=\"1\" onblur=\"intThis0(this);putTotal(document.postit.HowMany);\"></td>\n"; echo "\t<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"F{$iT}b\" id=\"F{$iT}b\" size=\"33\"></td>\n"; echo "\t<td width=\"60\">\n"; echo "\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"TAG{$iT}g\" id=\"TAG\" size=\"20\" value=\"".$_POST['TAG']."\">\n"; echo "\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"F{$iT}c\" id=\"F{$iT}c\" size=\"5\" onblur=\"intThis(this);putTotal(document.postit.HowMany);\" style=\"display:none\"></td>\n"; echo "\t<td width=\"60\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"F{$iT}d\" id=\"F{$iT}d\" size=\"5\" onblur=\"intThis(this);putTotal(document.postit.HowMany);\" style=\"display:none\"></td>\n"; echo "\t</tr></table>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n\n"; } ?> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:9px;font-size:xx-small;" height="9" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#FFFFFF" noshade></td></tr> <?PHP echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Shipping Method</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt\"><tr>"; if ((isset($_POST['SM']) && $_POST['SM']==$Say2t)) { echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"SM\" value=\"$Say1t\" onClick=\"SMc.value='$Say1c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Say1t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"SM\" value=\"$Say2t\" checked onClick=\"SMc.value='$Say2c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Say2t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"></td><td width=\"100\"></td>"; } else { echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"SM\" value=\"$Say1t\" checked onClick=\"SMc.value='$Say1c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Say1t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"25\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"SM\" value=\"$Say2t\" onClick=\"SMc.value='$Say2c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Say2t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"15\"></td><td width=\"100\"></td>"; } if (isset($_POST['SMc'])) { echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"SMc\" id=\"SMc\" value=\"".$_POST['SMc']."\"></td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"SMc\" id=\"SMc\" value=\"$Say1c\"></td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Payment Method</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt\"><tr>"; if ((isset($_POST['PM']) && $_POST['PM']==$Pay2t)) { echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay1t\" onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay1c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay1t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay2t\" checked onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay2c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay2t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay3t\" checked onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay3c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay2t</td>"; } else { echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay1t\" checked onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay1c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay1t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay2t\" onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay2c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay2t</td>"; echo "<td width=\"10\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"PM\" value=\"$Pay3t\" onClick=\"PMc.value='$Pay3c';\"></td><td width=\"100\">$Pay3t</td>"; } if (isset($_POST['PMc'])) { echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"PMc\" id=\"PMc\" value=\"".$_POST['PMc']."\"></td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" name=\"PMc\" id=\"PMc\" value=\"$Pay1c\"></td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } ?> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:1px;font-size:xx-small;" height="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#800000" noshade></td></tr> <?PHP echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#DDEEFF\"><td align=\"right\"><strong>Deliver To</strong></td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['DT'])) { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"5\" name=\"DT\" id=\"DT\">".$_POST['DT']."</textarea>"; } else { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"5\" name=\"DT\" id=\"DT\"></textarea>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Message from<br>end customer</td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['Msg'])) { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"3\" name=\"Msg\" id=\"Msg\">".$_POST['Msg']."</textarea>"; } else { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"3\" name=\"Msg\" id=\"Msg\"></textarea>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=\"right\">Comments<br>from reseller</td><td> </td><td>"; if (isset($_POST['CMsg'])) { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"3\" name=\"CMsg\" id=\"CMsg\">".$_POST['CMsg']."</textarea>"; } else { echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"3\" name=\"CMsg\" id=\"CMsg\"></textarea>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; ?> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:1px;font-size:xx-small;" height="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#800000" noshade></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"> <button type="submit" name="Action" id="Action" onClick="if(document.postit.TestSend.checked==true){document.postit.NewWin.checked=true;document.postit.target='_blank';}">Send It !</button></td><td> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr><tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:1px;font-size:xx-small;" height="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><hr width="100%" size="1" color="#800000" noshade></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td><td align="right"> </td></tr> <input type="hidden" name="SendItGood" value="1"> </form> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> <tr><td><hr color="Maroon" size="1"></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"> </td></tr> </table> <?PHP class mime_mail { var $from; var $to; var $cc; var $bcc; var $receipt; var $path; var $subject; var $body; var $errors; var $headers; function mime_mail() { $this->from = ""; $this->to = ""; $this->subject = ""; $this->body = ""; $this->errors = ""; $this->cc = ""; $this->bcc = ""; $this->headers = ""; $this->path = ""; $this->receipt = ""; } function send() { $mime = ""; if (!empty($this->from)) $mime .= "From: ".$this->from . "\n"; if (!empty($this->errors)) $mime .= "Errors-To: ".$this->errors . "\n"; if (!empty($this->cc)) $mime .= "CC: ".$this->cc . "\n"; if (!empty($this->bcc)) $mime .= "BCC: ".$this->bcc . "\n"; if (!empty($this->headers)) $mime .= "Content-type: ".$this->headers . "\n"; if (!empty($this->path)) $mime .= "Return-Path: ".$this->path . "\n"; if (!empty($this->receipt)) $mime .= "Return-Receipt-To: ".$this->receipt . "\n"; mail($this->to, $this->subject, stripslashes($this->body), $mime); } }; ?> <?PHP // -------- // _ 1.11 _ // -------- // * Added validation: Delivery address cannot be empty // * Both "extras" will be added as line items to order e-mail (if selected) // -------- // _ 1.10 _ // -------- // * Added option to limit multiple quantity shipping costs, or keep per item shipping (checkbox and textbox might be nice) // * Added quantity to individual (itemized) item costs in e-mail // * Added Subtotal under (itemized) item list in e-mail // * Ready to add sales tax option (variable established) - need checkbox and textbox ?>
to one of my page. Please,can you help me with that?
Thanks a lot!
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