Sure thing, wirez. This is a fun request for this forum.
(1) Add a podcast if you don’t have one. I highly recommend PodPress plugin, it rules. However if you want something simpler, try the audio player from 1 Pixel Out. (It is incorporated into PodPress).
A podcast doesn’t have to be a “podcast” like a talk show, it can be any mp3 files. So you can put mp3’s of your fav bands, streaming on your site (assuming you have permission of the bands or whatever is needed to be legal).
(2) Spice up the look of your site with the outstanding and fun Headline Images plugin from Coldforged. I could see this looking great on your site with a radical font for the post titles. (I saw the various logos and stuff in your posts using cool fonts and designs — now mirror that in your post titles instead of plain blue h2 text!) I think you will be really happy how quickly you can change the overall look & feel of your site, and look more cool/hip/modern/musical. Maybe use either of the Fonts that is in your DIMB logo / banner.
(3) Your sidebar gets empty fast. Scroll down the page and you have Articles on the left, EMPTY sidebar on the right. Some people like that for whitespace. I think it looks imbalanced, I don’t like it. I say, fill up your sidebar with images and/or useful interesting plugins. For example:
Flickr thumbnails, with a nice flickr plugin.
LastFM quilts (sign up on LastFM and look under Quilts, it shows a Flash graphic of your favorite artists or albums in your sidebar) (Not a plugin, you don’t need one, just put the code they give you)
Slide dot com — another way to make a Flash slideshow of your pix in your sidebar. (Not a plugin, you don’t need one, just put the code they give you).
Ad-Rotator plugin. Just use it to display a “random” image in your sidebar. Make a mix of images of all your fav bands, and show 1 image each time someone refreshes the page.
wp-zeitgeist plugin from whooami (shows searches people did that led to your site, in a pretty cloud of text)
weighted-words plugin (I love it, but it broke on my site eventually. If it works for you, use it — it shows your most commonly blogged words in your sidebar, kind of a vocabulary of your site)
Ultimate Tag Warrior (Another way to put a text cloud that shows what you commonly blog about — more work than WeightedWords because you have to tag your posts yourself with keywords).
(4) List most popular posts or your favorite posts.
(5) In general, make it easier to find your Old posts that are not on the front page. I don’t like scrolling all the way down to find a little tiny “Previous Posts” link.
hope this gives you some ideas for your cool music site
post your link again if you make some changes, i would like to see