• Hi. I’m just getting started with WordPress. I’ve been looking through lots and lots of themes but I have yet to find what I’m looking for.

    Most of the themes I’ve found are essentially basic blogging themes, where you post something new and the old content drops below it. What I’m looking for is a theme with two prominently placed content areas. Like having two separate blogs on the front page.

    I just want something minimal. A box at the top that acts as the header. Then two equal sized boxes that make up the main body of the site. The archives and calendar and stuff could all be very small and off to the right of the main page. Perhaps a small footer. Between the header and main content boxes there would be an image or maybe just a gradient color wash. Something simple yet nice looking.

    Does this exist? I’ve searched the forum and looked through a lot of themes for the last week or two and so far nothing.


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  • I’d love this too… I sort of made one for myself, but I’m not satisfied with it. Any designers want to tackle this challenge?

    Search in Extend and Themes for a 3-column theme or a Magazine style theme. Then you can divide your posts over two categories and publish one category (as excerpt of in full) in each box.

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