• i just need a start-up sample for my project. I’m reading docs. My english not well and im really confused.

    I need some connections between posts. I’m trying to do this.

    I’ve a few “entities” (post) and they have relationships. many-to-many, one-to-many.

    Movie (post)
    Video (post)
    Artist (post)
    Genre (post)
    List (post)

    So my all connections are post to post (or post from post i didnt really understood what for “from” and what for “to”)

    Well, my relations are like below.

    Movie have Videos, Artists, Genres

    One to Many between Movie and Video (One movie may have one or more video(s))
    Many to many between Movie and Artist
    Many to many between Movie and Genre
    Many to many between Movie and List

    Video have a movie and artists.

    One to Many between Movie and Video (A video may have only one movie)
    Many to many between Video and Artist
    Many to many between Video and List

    Artist have movies and videos

    Many to many between Artist and Movie
    Many to many between Artist and Video
    Many to many between Artist and List

    Genre have movies

    Many to many between Genre and Movie

    List have Movie, Video, Artist

    Many to many between List and Movie
    Many to many between List and Video
    Many to many between List and Artist

    i need to build a structure like that. Can any body give me a fish please? Thank you very much.


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