• According to our server, our WordPress site has been creating many temporary WOFF files in our tmp folder on our server. Now, we do have a test site, to which we give WordPress full permission. Then we have our production site, in which the WordPress permissions are a lot stricter. We are currently using the I-Max template version 1.5.9.
    On our production website, we are getting a lot of temporary WOFF files in our tmp folder. We checked, and we estimated about 12 million WOFF files were created in tmp which is causing our server to bog down, fill up, and use up our server space.
    We have tracked it down, and it seems as if these files are coming from the I-Max theme, especially from the Kirki program (which the I-Max theme uses as well).
    These tmp files that are stacking up are actually a woff (Web Open Font Format) file, which can be opened in a variety of things. In fact, one of the files we have downloaded specifically is a font file for the “OpenSans-Regular” font. We tracked these files down and seem as if it is coming from wp-content\themes\i-max\inc\kirki\packages\kirki-framework\module-webfonts\src\Webfonts\Downloader.php. So far, according to our digging, it appears that the files don’t get deleted when it is finally recognized or if it saved as a folder.
    Several questions:
    Why is the WordPress template saving WOFF files in our tmp folder on our server?

    If we were to delete the temporary WOFF Files within our tmp folder, would we crash the site or are we suppose to clean up those tmp files?

    Do we need to go to newer version?

    Is our WordPress permissions restriction on our production to restricted?

    Any suggestions or help we can get on this issue is welcomed.

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