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  • aleatory,

    It might help to remember the following:
    Fanwood has 3 major components:

    WordPress + Hybrid Core + Fanwood Parent Theme.

    Try to do as much customization as possible using the WordPress Admin Panel FIRST. When creating your navigational menu(s), realize that some WordPress plugins add addition options to your page creation menus that if ignored, might alter your new pages to a format that you don’t want.

    After creating a New Page; go to your Appearance/Menu page and learn how to create/maintain your navigational menus in the presentation that you desire. Again, realize that some plugins will add additional options to this page….make sure you understand what they offer. Use the Drag & Drop feature of the Menu Panel to place your pages in the order that you want them.

    Some of your videos are page centered…some are not. Use a consistent format while using WordPress’s Text Editor when creating new posts. Some things seem to work better in the HTML editor; some seem to work better in the Visual Editor. Others may disagree with me. Some plugins add addition options to the text editor…research them.

    After adding text to a Post: highlight the entire block of text and change both the text type and size to a consistent desire. If you cut and paste text from a Microsoft Word document, make sure it displays properly before publishing it.

    Periodically research’s Codex Page for continual documented help.

    Realize that the Hybrid Core adds 9 additional options to the underlying WordPress Core, which Fanwood then offers to you on the WordPress Widgets Page, and in the Theme Settings Page.

    In a nutshell, if you don’t learn FIRST how to use WordPress’s Admin Panel, Pages, Posts, Menus, Widgets and their interaction with your chosen Plugins; you might not get the theme results you are after.

    This response is not meant to be dis-respectful to you what-so-ever. The contributors to this and other forums range all across the board from Newbies, to Intermediates, to Highly Advanced Programmers. You will get different responses to your requests based upon THEIR own background. Some will make the assumption that you already have a good foundation for WordPress itself, BEFORE you use this or other themes.

    Hope this helps, and is a good start.

    Thread Starter aleatory


    I am pretty good with wordpress and so I understand the use of it to appropriate different functions and themes.

    I am using quicktabs plugin and that is outputing from a page in an undesirable manner.

    I tried several portfolio related plugins previously and the output was very similar to what it is now.

    I am beginning to wonder if this is a bug in the theme, and I may require some assistance to hack some of the code or modify the CSS.

    Are you using the most recent version of Fanwood ?

    Have you visited the Developer’s DevPress website and viewed the forums?

    Have you signed up as a DevPress member for support?

    Thread Starter aleatory


    I am using most recent version and I went back to it thinking blog in blog would resolve the issue. I am still stumped.

    I am just trying to get a display of the candidates on this page in any way possible. No plugin is working, they all display like crap!

    Could it be because I am using buddypress?

    can i ask one thing. i want to change the yellow bar(btw header and content) in the header to red color. what i have to do? where i need to edit? please help


    Hi.! I’m using fanwood child theme. I want to remove some widget areas from index page. is there any plugin or any other method to remove widgets from home page?

    Oh, this is the correct question thread? but not many answers…

    I am trying to get my logo into the header… any way to do this? I’m really new to WP at all, but I’ve tried forever now…

    No, you should start your own thread rather than posting in an old thread – you can do so here:

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