I keep getting redirected
Everything has been working fine for a long time up until now. All of the sudden I keep getting problem with being constantly redirected to /wp-admin/profile.php. Doesnt matter what I do I am always redirected there. I have to delete all cookies for it to turn to normal, but then it happens again.
I might have to uninstall the plugin :/
I noticed it happens when I log in with one user then log out and login with another user and it all just becomes a mess. Plugin is not working very well for me I think. It used to, but not anymore.
uh … The fact that you’re redirected to your profile, or you fall into a loop onlogin, mean that this user isn’t recognized in some way on class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php -> verify_phpbb_credentials where the code try to login an user recognized logged into phpBB, due to his valid cookie.
3 questions:
which usernames you try out to login that fails?
These users have an equal email in phpBB?
have you try out, i imagine, the latest patched 1.7.5?To answer your questions…
1. The usernames are my admin user name + just a regular user. I use one to admin the forum/write articles and the other one to post on the forum
2. They do not have the same mail in phpbb.
3. Yes, I use 1.7.5 with phpbb 3.2.0.
I have had this plugin for probably 4 months no proble. It just started now recently.
Even when I deactivate all plugins I’m still stuck in the loop. Maybe it’s not necessarily the plugin even if it’s triggered by the login/logout on the forum?
I login with one user in forum, then go to wordpress and I’m logged in as admin. Why? Two different accounts, one is admin and one is just a regular user.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
i do not think this is given by the last version of the plugin, you could try this to check downloading the version you’re sure it was not giving you problems.
click on menu of the download on bottom to choose a previous version.
Can you try out one that you’re sure was provious the problem you after have experienced?About username, i mean i would like to know exactly which names have these users:
admin : jjjjohn
user: myniceusername… i try to understand which condition could cause your problem, and where it could happen the behavior that you report. I know exactly in which point it could come out, but i can’t figure out because i’m not experiencing it directly.
So i can’t reverse in my test the cause.
The loop is caused, normally, by a cookie that is recognized as good in phpBB and that after, isn’ t processed to be converted in WP as good registered user. So the code get before a good cookie, than not found corresponding user in WP (because it is not added, or it can’t be retrieved in wp for some reason) and this lead to the loop.p.s
Even when I deactivate all plugins I’m still stuck in the loop. Maybe it’s not necessarily the plugin even if it’s triggered by the login/logout on the forum?
this mean you deactivate even wp_w3all and all others and you have this behavior onlogin? or all except wp_w3all?
I’ve try out just now any possible check mixing things like setting user as no role in wp, then it is deactivated in phpBB, so i’ve try login wp and the user correctly isn’t logged, than reactivated in phpBB, so login ok, and so and so … no problems on any test now at moment, and/or hard tests before the release.What I meant was, when I have the problem I tried to deactivate all plugins and the cookieproblem doesnt disappear. Im still stuck in the loop.
If I clear all cookies it will start to work again but same thing will happen again if I jump between phpbb and wp with these 2 different users.
Usernames are:
Admin (admin)
James (regular user)testing right now, more and more, and nothing except to an error on deleting user in WP in certain conditions, that i’ve provide a patch to file wp_w3all.php already right now, and not related to your problem.
What kind of cookie setting is your phpbb? is it set as .mydomain.com ??
is online the site you’re reporting problems? which url if u can?When I’m logged out on both wp and forum I go to wp and login as Admin. Then go to forum and I am also logged in as admin there. Then I logout on forum and login as the user instead. I go to the wp and I am still logged in as admin. Strange!?
Yes cookie domain is .mydomain.com. I never changed anything and the problem just started recently.
I’d like to keep my sites private and not write them here. Maybe I could send pm? How?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
yes of course, may register to
than use phpBB forum to PM memh wait a moment …
i note this loop if:
i have login using
so i try to access to WP using https://mydomain.com
there is some cookie problem …so: have you in phpBB the url of the board set to
and wordpress maybe to
or viceversa?Hm, no both are www.
I noticed that it didnt help to remove cookies, only to remove cache if that makes any difference?
This problem doesnt happen right away. Last night I was able to move back and forward between wp and forum with no problem. But now in the morning I had the loop problem right away.
Also, like I said before. I will be logged in as admin on wp and user on forum. I dont understand why not same on both platforms?
Does it matter that I have phpbb 3.2.0 and not 3.2.1? I cannot update atm.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
no, axew3.com/w3 example is ever updated with latest releases, and i test on localhost in same way.
i’ve see yesterday night on tests, this behavior is the same at axew3.com.
So i’ve guess this was your problem.
I’ve note this behavior, that i think is also causing your problem, than i will try to understand by what can be caused, it is the follow:As not logged, i try to access
i’m correctly redirected to https://www.axew3.com/w3
WP reload, and set as www the url.
If i do the same while i’m logged in, so i try to access https://axew3.com, WP loop. If i click stop on browser to break the browser loop, it stop, and the url appear as www… than i click reload, and all go fine.So, i assume there is a problem on cookie in certain situations: no way to resolve for my, this behavior via htaccess, it seem to not affect the result, that leave me little confused …
looking …
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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