I believe this is the line you are looking for from the databases.
I will have to confirm that is the actual backup from the site prior to restoration, see below.
Here are the other issues we encountered: some of which I think you are or have addressed,
version 2.02 I think : running WordPress 3.6. – 3.6.1
– 400k lines of code to the databases of even a brand new, fresh install of WordPress. (fresh blank WP less then 500k size DB, OSEFW fresh install 2 megs). (being addressed you said)
– over 250k lines of SQL code related to just GEO IP aspect (must be a better method)
– we encountered errors with the ability to import the sql sections of the DB backups as they pertained to the OSE Firewall. This was due to additional restrictions between foreign key and master key access within the DB. This meant we could not do an active import of the SQL database as long as the OSE SQL sections were intact. (upon deleting ose tables and structure elements import worked fine)
– Additionally the SQL Import required DB Privileges that were inappropriate to traditional website DB Server access (Master DB USER RIGHTS instead of a Standard DB USER RIGHTS).
mysql> GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO user@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
We consider this to be a potentially risky issue. Don’t have the error message handy, Wanted “SUPER” access (I believe was the error) and could not import with my normal full privileged user in phpmyadmin. (cpanel hosted)
As I stated, I can go back through my files and send you copies of the DB sections from your plugin. Please just try a more standardized path that end user might take.
TO get the DB errors I simply took my standard zipped sql dump file and deleted all tables and tried to do a fresh import. It would not process directly within the phpadmin panel.
I do not know if this would impact other “re-installation methods”, as I like using mysql. ?? however this is the first plugin to which I would need to alter db permissions to make the import.