• I aheva na ssl for my site but the url just says the name of my website domain, without the https:// or even the www.

    Will this plugin fix that problem? I am currently sending all of my transactions off site to paypal but will later being using woocommerce for some insight transactions. once again do i need this plugin?

    I’m currently using the s2Member plugin, if that makes any difference.

    Thanks for you help


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  • Thread Starter Steamed


    Is this not the place to ask this question? Where else should i ask this if nobody answers in here?

    I’m sorry, but I’m unable to understand your question. For the people here to be able to help you, you will need to explain the problem clearly in detail.

    If you enter https://www.yourdomain.com in your browser, what happens?

    Why wouldn’t this be the place to ask this question?? It is a force SSL plugin at least to an extent when you in fact have ssl installed on your site… I believe his question is simple… I too have SSL and when I simply type https://www.domainname.com — it doesn’t go to SSL.. If I click on any other pages it then starts using SSL. I changed in setting to make my sites default URL to https://www.blabla.com

    I am testing this plugin and will let you know what I find out (Steamed)


    Steamed is being clear.

    when folk instal or buy SSL it does not mean your site will default to SSL.

    The most appropriate way to make that a forced entity when you load the site is to tell your htaccess or config to do that.

    That task does not necessarily need a plugin.

    most websites only enable or enforce SSL encryption during the authentication phase, so to protect your credentials while you log in, make secure transactions etc but then revert to standard, unencrypted HTTP

    however for a lot of folk who buy ssl its a very important thing to have SSL on right from the onset, it makes for a unique selling and confidence inspiring point.

    Back to the topic

    Do you need this plugin Yes Steamed & Webmaster Ken, a plugin is a good way of implementing SSL either for specific pages or for all pages of your site or at certain areas of your site IF you don’t have the know how or do not want to disturb your server files or have access to it.

    In the simplified world, below I detail how you can make your wordpress site obey your instructions to make all pages start when your site is loaded with the secure socket layer SSL without a plugin.

    1.You can actually do that without the plugin by changing your Site URL in the Tab on the Left, Click SETTINGS, then >GENERAL in the WordPress admin panel. then change the https:// To in the two boxes you see ‘https://’ rather than ‘https://’.

    2. To force SSL in your admin area which is important too

    got to your www/yoursite.com/wp-config.php file ie. found in your root folder for wpress install

    add these two lines to the end

    define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true);

    define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

    may slow things down a little but worth it.

    3. Even if you set to https:// as in option 1 you may still get the unfriendly pop up warning visitors that some entities are insecure.

    Thats because making your url point to https, won’t change the url of some other content etc.

    To fix this i found a good useful plugin SSL Insecure Content Fixer

    and it has a tiny tool you will find when you instal and activate it called test is_ssl() it will help you to find out if WordPress can even test for SSL so click it and see the result in the last line on the test page which opens in another tab or window.

    4.https://www.whynopadlock.com/check.php allows you to assess your security needs and see what may cause ‘insecure item’ popups and such like

    5.Finally I have learned one thing as a web developer myself and a self taught one at that …… a lot of folk who build and donate plugins free do so because they are part of a wider community who thrive on creating innov.ation that improves others use of the technical and internet based arena.

    Writing even a single line of code is work. Getting a plugin to work takes months of work sometime depending on enthusiasm and devotion I have known collegues who forget to sleep and eat whilst determined to make that plugin work.

    For the end user, don’t you notice that when a plugin works it looks like magic, or when your website comes to you nice and shiny from the developer how sleek it looks and feels and how pleased you are.

    A lot of times it takes work.

    When someone donates a plugin, they do agree via consortia to try to keep it safe, useful and up to date, but they cannot make that task a full time job because they cannot live on air.

    So when you post a question sometimes be considerate because the owner of the plugin may not even know or have seen the message or be too busy or even trying to rest or work to pay their bill.

    I love it when aplugin works, and when it doesnt, I get a bit miffed, however I find that using google, and making an eensy effort to try to learn a little bit about the way these codes are written and also reading through postings and also posting on other forums that work with wordpress is a very good idea.

    I wish you luck with the website, and in this particular thread I have to say that neither being kind of condescending when someone asks for help or smirking at or ignoring someone who needs help or venting anger are helpful.

    its not my plugin, I don’t use it either and its not Kenshos plugin either he just replied trying to help even if it just made others cross or annoyed.

    but i think Mvied will be chuffed and feel respected if you maybe are able to afford and donate to his plugin development and maintennance https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=N9NFVADLVUR7A

    or if you RT or give him kudos on twitter https://twitter.com/Mvied

    thank him publicly on google + https://plus.google.com/111907815578564812647?rel=author

    star him on github https://github.com/Mvied/wordpress-https

    book him or hire him to do your website development if it gets too much for you…https://www.mvied.com/


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