I have a problem with a wordpress article rewriter plugin…
Hello, All people, who can help!
I know I am not alone in the Unlimited SPACE of the internet world, so I decided to ask for help, instead of torturing myself for something I am not competent at…
I am talking about the plugin, called WordPress Rewriter 300% More here (Version 3, since 2007, not the new version)
So, probably if anyone used it, you know that this plugin rewrites all your wordpress posts…
Now, the original synonym database turns gibberish content. That’s why, I have spent almost a year to create my own… and substitute the original database with my own!
My own database has synonyms and also synonymous phrases…
The problem is the plugin (or maybe that is because of the hosting, I don’t know, you will tell me) doesn’t use ALL of the words and phrases in the process of rewriting… It uses around 60-70% of the database, but not 100% and I CAN’T figure out how to solve that… I am not a programmer, I am just a copywriter with more than perfect English skills, but I don’t know how to find and solve that problem… and don’t know its reason…
If I have this:
” professional ” => ” expert “,
” interesting ” => ” fascinating “,
” participate ” => ” take part “,
” disorder ” => ” dysfunction “,
” existing ” => ” current “,
” careful ” => ” cautious “,
” importance ” => ” significance “,
” functions ” => ” features “,
” easily ” => ” effortlessly “,
” teach ” => ” train “,
” obviously ” => ” definitely “,
” healing ” => ” therapeutic “,
” equivalent ” => ” equal “,
” reduce ” => ” cut down “,
” large ” => ” huge “,
” website ” => ” web site “,
” population ” => ” inhabitants “,
” layout ” => ” design “,
” awareness ” => ” recognition “,
” younger ” => ” youthful “,
” suits ” => ” fits “,
” prepared ” => ” organized “,
” start ” => ” begin “,
” attack ” => ” assault “,
” effective ” => ” efficient “,
” found ” => ” discovered “,
” those who are victims of the ailment ” => ” those who have the ailment “,
” will not do any harm ” => ” will not hurt “,
” to choose from ” => ” to choose between “,
” there is something ” => ” there’s something “,
” i’m really not ” => ” i am not “,
” is in a position to ” => ” is able to “,
” have a tendency to be ” => ” tend to be “,
” concurrently ” => ” similtaneously “,
” and that is the reason ” => ” and that’s the reason “,
” resolve ” => ” unravel “,
” on the right track ” => ” not off course “,
” is of the same opinion ” => ” has the same opinion “,
” make an observation ” => ” make a remark “,
” observation ” => ” remark “,
” the next day to come ” => ” day after today “,
” the next day ” => ” the following day “,
” those who have the ailment ” => ” those who are victims of the ailment “,
” sufferers ” => ” victims “,
” for granted ” => ” without any consideration “,
” when it comes to ” => ” in terms of “,
” you are able to ” => ” you’ll be able to “,
” may be able to ” => ” might be able to “,
” simultaneously ” => ” concurrently “,for some reason it uses only about 60% of these… the other 40% remain unactive and I am talking about a database of around 21000 entries here…
The result is always around 50% unique content in posts, while IF it works with the entire database, I will have at least 70% in each article, which is PERFECT for autoblogging…
So… what’s the problem? How should I solve that??????
Here is the code with a sample database (of course, I won’t share the entire database that I’ve worked for ENTIRE year):
If you want to test it, simply upload it, as rewrite3.php, in a folder, called rewriter, along with a .txt file, called words.txt
Plugin Name: WordPress Rewriter
Plugin URI: https://WordPressRewriter.com
Author: WordPressRewriter.com
Description: Rewrite articles on the fly and generate unique content.
*/// +———————————————+
// | Copyright ? 2007 WordPressRewriter.com |
// | |
// | This file may not be redistributed. |
// +———————————————+$dic = array(
” professional ” => ” expert “,
” interesting ” => ” fascinating “,
” participate ” => ” take part “,
” disorder ” => ” dysfunction “,
” existing ” => ” current “,
” careful ” => ” cautious “,
” importance ” => ” significance “,
” functions ” => ” features “,
” easily ” => ” effortlessly “,
” teach ” => ” train “,
” obviously ” => ” definitely “,
” healing ” => ” therapeutic “,
” equivalent ” => ” equal “,
” reduce ” => ” cut down “,
” large ” => ” huge “,
” website ” => ” web site “,
” population ” => ” inhabitants “,
” layout ” => ” design “,
” awareness ” => ” recognition “,
” younger ” => ” youthful “,
” suits ” => ” fits “,
” prepared ” => ” organized “,
” start ” => ” begin “,
” attack ” => ” assault “,
” effective ” => ” efficient “,
” found ” => ” discovered “,
” those who are victims of the ailment ” => ” those who have the ailment “,
” will not do any harm ” => ” will not hurt “,
” to choose from ” => ” to choose between “,
” there is something ” => ” there’s something “,
” i’m really not ” => ” i am not “,
” is in a position to ” => ” is able to “,
” have a tendency to be ” => ” tend to be “,
” concurrently ” => ” similtaneously “,
” and that is the reason ” => ” and that’s the reason “,
” resolve ” => ” unravel “,
” on the right track ” => ” not off course “,
” is of the same opinion ” => ” has the same opinion “,
” make an observation ” => ” make a remark “,
” observation ” => ” remark “,
” the next day to come ” => ” day after today “,
” the next day ” => ” the following day “,
” those who have the ailment ” => ” those who are victims of the ailment “,
” sufferers ” => ” victims “,
” for granted ” => ” without any consideration “,
” when it comes to ” => ” in terms of “,
” you are able to ” => ” you’ll be able to “,
” may be able to ” => ” might be able to “,
” simultaneously ” => ” concurrently “,
” to a much broader ” => ” to a much wider “,
” to a fancy dress ” => ” to a dressing up “,
” to a dinner party ” => ” to a cocktail party “,
” this permits you to ” => ” this allows you to “,
” this period of time ” => ” this time period “,
” this day and age ” => ” this point in time “,
” this assists in keeping ” => ” this helps to keep “,
” they do not have ” => ” they don’t have “,
” they are going to ” => ” they’re going to “,
” they will ” => ” they’ll “,
” there are just a ” => ” there are only a “,
” the style and color ” => ” the color and style “,
” the security and safety ” => ” the safety and security “,
” the public and private ” => ” the private and non-private “,
” the previous few ” => ” the last few “,
” the point of interest ” => ” the focal point “,
” the yearly ” => ” the annual “,
” the old and young ” => ” the young and old “,
” the most well liked ” => ” the most popular “,
” the look and feel ” => ” the feel and appear “,
” the great thing about ” => ” the wonderful thing about “,
” the good thing about ” => ” the advantage of “,
” the front and back ” => ” the back and front “,
” the look and feel ” => ” the feel and look “,
” the fantastic thing about ” => ” the great thing about “,
” the effort and time ” => ” the time and effort “,
” the back and front ” => ” the front and back “,
” the amount of cash ” => ” the amount of money “,
” that you’ll ” => ” that you will “,
” that you’ll want ” => ” that you will want “,
” that you are not ” => ” that you’re not “,
” that you are going ” => ” that you’re going “,
” that you are a ” => ” that you’re a “,
” that they are also ” => ” that also they are “,
” that there is a ” => ” that there’s a “,
” that permits you to ” => ” that allows you to “,
” that outdoor ” => ” that outside “,
” that it is the ” => ” that it’s the “,
” that is the reason ” => ” that’s the reason “,
” that in the past ” => ” that previously “,
” that he is going ” => ” that he’s going “,
” that have a tendency ” => ” that tend “,
” that has a tendency ” => ” that tends “,
” that contributed to shaping ” => ” that assisted in shaping “,
” that are meant to ” => ” that are supposed to “,
” that there were ” => ” that there have been “,
” state of the art ” => ” state-of-the-art “,
” should not have any ” => ” shouldn’t have any “,
” secret to making ” => ” key to making “,
” our way of life ” => ” our lifestyle “,
” often referred to as ” => ” also known as “,
” of searching for ” => ” of looking for “,
” not as good as ” => ” not so good as “,
” most of the people ” => ” the general public “,
” members of the family ” => ” family members “,
” many food and drinks ” => ” many foods and drinks “,
” focuses on ” => ” specializes in “,
” made a big selection ” => ” made a big range “,
” maintaining a tally of ” => ” keeping track of “,
” it kind of feels ” => ” it sort of feels “,
” it is time to ” => ” it’s time to “,
” it is going to ” => ” it’s going to “,
” it will ” => ” it’ll “,
” is thought of as ” => ” is regarded as “,
” is the first step ” => ” is step one “,
” is so simple as ” => ” is as simple as “,
” is referred to now ” => ” is now known “,
” is on the web ” => ” is on the internet “,
” is little short of ” => ” is nothing short of “,
” is for this reason ” => ” is for that reason “,
” is as simple as ” => ” is so simple as “,
” is an excellent spot ” => ” is a great spot “,
” is a significant factor ” => ” is a significant component “,
” is a little more ” => ” is a bit more “,
” is a fairly large ” => ” is a reasonably large “,
” is a bit more ” => ” is a little more “,
” in a similar fashion ” => ” in a similar way “,
” if you need ” => ” if you want “,
” i used to be ” => ” i was “,
” i am able to ” => ” i’m able to “,
” affect ” => ” impact “,
” give an explanation for ” => ” provide an explanation for “,
” for so long as ” => ” for as long as “,
” for improving ” => ” for bettering “,
” for looking and feeling ” => ” for feeling and looking “,
” for as long as ” => ” for so long as “,
” aren’t ” => ” are not “,
” do not be disturbed ” => ” do not be concerned “,
” don’t worry ” => ” do not fret “,
” are you able to ” => ” can you “,
” are we able to ” => ” can we “,
” and you have got ” => ” and you’ve got “,
” and you are going ” => ” and you’re going “,
” and what kind of ” => ” and what sort of “,
” and think about it ” => ” and give it some thought “,
” and there is no ” => ” and there’s no “,
” and there is a ” => ” and there’s a “,
” and that is what ” => ” and that’s what “,
” and that is the ” => ” and that’s the “,
” and it is important ” => ” and it’s important “,
” and in the summer ” => ” and in the summertime “,
” and have a tendency ” => ” and tend “,
” and have a look ” => ” and take a look “,
” and give the opportunity ” => ” and give the chance “,
” an outdoor ” => ” an outside “,
” a dash of colour ” => ” a splash of color “,
” a full of life ” => ” a lively “,
” a good deal of ” => ” a great deal of “,
” am passionate about it ” => ” am fond of it “,
” at the back of ” => ” in the back of “,
” be a focus for ” => ” be a magnet for “,
” be all ears to ” => ” be conscious of “,
” blow his own trumpet ” => ” sing his own praises “,
” self-praise ” => ” puff up “,
” blow their own horns ” => ” sing their own praises “,
” wade through ” => ” plow through “,
” be a magnet for ” => ” be a focus for “,
” come to a decision ” => ” make a decision “,
” back and forth ” => ” backward and forward “,
” get a hold of ” => ” come up with “,
” had a good time ” => ” had fun “,
” has the same opinion ” => ” is of the same opinion “,
” having a pipe dream ” => ” daydreaming “,
” in a different way ” => ” differently “,
” indirectly ” => ” not directly “,
” in depth knowledge about ” => ” exhaustive knowledge about “,
” in every single place ” => ” in all places “,
” in the back of ” => ” at the back of “,
” keep an eye on ” => ” keep watch over “,
” keep in touch ” => ” be in contact “,
” live much longer than ” => ” live longer than “,
” decided ” => ” determined “,
” recover ” => ” recuperate “,
” get well ” => ” get better “,
” make the most of ” => ” take advantage of “,
” benefit from ” => ” profit from “,
” decide ” => ” determine “,
” making an allowance for ” => ” allowing for “,
” making the most of ” => ” taking advantage of “,
” benefiting from ” => ” profiting from “,
” more often than not ” => ” most of the time “,
” most of the time ” => ” more often than not “,
” each day ” => ” every day “,
” looking for ” => ” searching for “,
” on the right track ” => ” in the right direction “,
” takes to the air ” => ” takes off “,
” that you can imagine ” => ” that you can think of “,
” surrender ” => ” give up “,
” high blood pressure ” => ” hypertension “,
” the use of ” => ” the usage of “,
” step by step ” => ” step-by-step “,
” take into consideration ” => ” take into accounts “,
” in addition to ” => ” along with “,
” friends and family ” => ” family and friends “,
” are looking for ” => ” are searhing for “,
” you will discover ” => ” you’ll discover “,
” that have been ” => ” which have been “,
” only a few ” => ” just a few “,
” men and women ” => ” women and men “,
” you can find ” => ” you’ll find “,
” want to ” => ” wish to “,
” you will be ” => ” you’ll be “,
” it can be ” => ” it may be “,
” you can do ” => ” you are able to do “,
” the fact that ” => ” the truth that “,
” allows you to ” => ” permits you to “,
” right for you ” => ” best for you “,
” people who are ” => ” people who find themselves “,
” the cost of ” => ” the price of “,
” should not be ” => ” shouldn’t be “,
” you will find ” => ” you’ll find “,
” you’ll discover ” => ” you will discover “,
” all of your ” => ” all your “,
” your whole ” => ” your entire “,
” seem to be ” => ” appear to be “,
” he or she ” => ” she or he “,
” the affected individual ” => ” the affected person “,
” you will get ” => ” you’ll get “,
” at all times ” => ” always “,
” you’ll have ” => ” you will have “,
” do not have ” => ” don’t have “,
” as low as ” => ” as little as “,
” building income with ” => ” building an income with “,
” that you may be ” => ” that you could be “,
” wish to ” => ” want to “,
” and so on ” => ” and so forth “,
” that will help you ” => ” that can assist you “,
” for you to ” => ” so that you can “,
” numerous ” => ” quite a few “,
” learn how to ” => ” discover ways to “,
” a good idea ” => ” a good suggestion “,
” a large amount of ” => ” a considerable amount of “,
” in no time ” => ” very quickly “,
” take care of ” => ” deal with “,
” maintain ” => ” handle “,
” once you have ” => ” after you have “,
” upon getting ” => ” after getting “,
” take a look ” => ” have a look “,
” you can use ” => ” you should use “,
” you will need ” => ” you’ll need “,
” be sure that ” => ” ensure that “,
” the best way ” => ” the easiest way “,
” one of the simplest ways ” => ” one of the best ways “,
” you will notice ” => ” you will note “,
” you will also ” => ” additionally, you will “,
” make sure you ” => ” you should definitely “,
” may want to ” => ” should want to “,
” seems to be ” => ” appears to be “,
” be sure to ” => ” make sure to “,
” the first thing ” => ” the very first thing “,
” make sure you ” => ” be sure you “,
” a long time ” => ” a very long time “,
” in the end ” => ” in the long run “,
” it is important ” => ” it is necessary “,
” this type of ” => ” this kind of “,
” if you are ” => ” if you’re “,
” can be used ” => ” can be utilized “,
” there are numerous ” => ” there are many “,
” referred to as ” => ” known as “,
” product or service ” => ” services or products “,
” to make sure ” => ” to ensure “,
” want to know ” => ” need to know “,
” as a result ” => ” in consequence “,
” pay per click ” => ” ppc “,
” the type of ” => ” the kind of “,
” amount of money ” => ” amount of cash “,
” are typically ” => ” are usually “,
” products and services ” => ” services and products “,
” if you find yourself ” => ” when you find yourself “,
” several types of ” => ” various kinds of “,
” over the counter ” => ” over-the-counter “,
$not_replace_list = ” “;
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
$not_replace_list = $not_replace_list.$line.” “;
}function rewrite_text( $article, $case_sensitive=false ) {
global $dic;
global $not_replace_list;$dorewrite=strpos($article,”<NOREWRITE>”);
$step1 = array(“(“, “)”, “[“, “]”, “?”, “.”, “,”, “|”, “\$”, “*”, “+”, “^”,”{“, “}”);
$artarray=str_replace($step1,” “,$artarray);
$artarray=str_replace(” “,” “,$artarray);
$words_artarray = explode(” “,$artarray);if (sizeof($words_artarray)>0)
$to_be_replaced=str_replace(” “,””,$to_be_replaced);$ignore=”no”;
$pos=strpos($not_replace_list, $to_be_replaced);
}$to_be_replaced=” “.$to_be_replaced.” “;
if(($to_be_replaced!=””)&&($to_be_replaced!=” “)&&($to_be_replaced_with!=””)&&($ignore==”no”))
$article = str_replace($to_be_replaced,$to_be_replaced_with,$article);
return $article;
}function upper_title($title)
return $title;
}add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘rewrite_text’, 2);
add_filter(‘the_excerpt’, ‘rewrite_text’, 2);
add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘upper_title’);
?>Please, help me!
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