I hate the way 2.6 handles images!
Do you see that thing I did there, with the capital letters and the exclamation points? That means I’m really quite annoyed.
(See the way I undid your caps? That means that we don’t allow that sort of behavior here. – moderator)
Seriously, I love WordPress, but I’ve hated image management all along. Do you know how often I want to publish a thumbnail instead of a full-sized image? Never, that’s how often. Surely MOST people MOST of the time just want the picture to go up exactly the way they uploaded it, no link or thumbnail or nothing. That’s the way 90% of the images I see on blogs are handled (not counting newspaper sites). So shouldn’t that be the default? Or AT LEAST shouldn’t the software remember that’s what I asked for last time?
Once a month, I backdoor into my host and manually delete all the stupid thumbnails, because however small they are, they just pad my backups and get in my way. Now, I’ve got SMALL, MEDIUM and full-size? Lovely! Twice as much crap to throw away. And it defaults to MEDIUM. Who wants this? Seriously, is anybody but Matt using this feature? Oh, and when I tell it that my picture doesn’t link to anything, it actually sticks in an “a href” link to <i>nothing</i>.
I’m not exactly mama’s golden coder, but I’ve thought about sifting through the php files and seeing if I can’t turn some of this stuff off. But then I’d have to figure it out all over again every time I upgrade.
I really do love WordPress as a blogging platform, but I can’t believe these bits aren’t customizable. I put at least one photo in every post. A small annoyance that you bump into time after time soon builds to an all-caps-and-exclamation-points sort of annoyance.
Can somebody recommend a plugin? I hate putting code on top of code, but I don’t fancy the way this trendline is headed.
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