• I’ve been trying to get an answer on why my comments aren’t getting emailed to me. I searched the forums but couldn’t find a helpful answer. I posted a cry for help myself, and still . . . hours later . . . I don’t have an answer and I CAN’T GET MY COMMENTS in an e-mail.

    Why, oh why, oh why, do you NOT HAVE A PERSON or some kind of help desk who could tell me what to DO?????

    I’m so, so very frustrated.

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  • WP.org is a free product which you were able to get for no cost, there are companies that provide paid support if you want help on demand.

    Additionally, this is a volunteer forum. This means that no one’s problems are more important than anyone else’s. Finally, WP.org users are spread around the world and many people are asleep, at work, in school, outside.

    Be patient.

    Assuming the obvious that you have this option turned on in your Admin => Options => Discussion and are checking the email address of the blog admin (stupid questions aside), do a search for no emails and your host name in these forums. It comes up many times.


    Thread Starter punctual


    I DO understand that it’s a volunteer group answering and being helpful. Some things are easier to be patient on than others (grin).

    That said, heaven only knows why, but now the email-comment thing is working, even though I didn’t change a thing. Go figure. I’m still frustrated at not knowing WHY, but it’s working, so I’m not going to let it bother me!

    It could have been that the mail queue was busy and when it worked it’s way through voila your email appears…

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