• loopbiz


    Dont stupid blogspammers have anything useful to do?
    My blogs have moderated comments and its a pain to delete 50 per day!
    (BTW: I changed the default radio button to be “Delete comment” )

    So here is a very minor code change to blast them into oblivion with no effort on your part, after setting up your kill words.
    – it also has a fix for a problem that should be handled elsewhere, but I don’t have time right now. Maybe someone else can do it.

    First, add this function in wp-includes/functions.php

    function zap_comment($author, $email, $url, $comment, $user_ip)
    // moderation keys empty?
    if (” == trim( get_settings(‘moderation_keys’) ) ) return false;
    $words = explode(“\n”, get_settings(‘moderation_keys’) );
    foreach ($words as $word)
    $word = trim($word);
    $pattern = “#$word#i”;
    if(‘##i’ != $pattern) // ignore blank lines in the bad words list
    if ( preg_match($pattern, $author) ) return true;
    if ( preg_match($pattern, $email) ) return true;
    if ( preg_match($pattern, $url) ) return true;
    if ( preg_match($pattern, $comment) ) return true;
    if ( preg_match($pattern, $user_ip) ) return true;
    return false;

    Then change the checkcomment code in wp-comments-post.php

    if(check_comment($author, $email, $url, $comment, $user_ip))
    $approved = 1;
    if(zap_comment($author, $email, $url, $comment, $user_ip))
    die( __(‘Stop spamming my blog, I just delete all your spam anyway.’) );
    $approved = 0;

    You can test this by visiting one of my blogs at
    https://crossfirewar.com and posting a comment.

    To trigger it, use the phrase “stupid blogspammers”

    Hopefully someone will consider using this and adding another textarea for kill_keys, rather than using moderation_keys


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  • DianeV


    Excellent Joe, thanks!



    I’m going bonkers. I’m on the road traveling, living off of borrowed computers on this trip, and the same “gamblers” I was sure I was done with two months ago are back. I have their titles, combinations of their titles, and other things in my spam words and various non-super radical spam killers (I don’t want to kill every comment) plugins running.

    Are these guys getting smarter or what. I’m going to give the spelling bee authorization thing a whack, but why aren’t the spam words filtering out the same text as caught yesterday? How are these time wasters getting through?

    And really, aren’t there supposed to be all these fines and prosecution stuff happening? Where does one go to report the bad guys? Any Internet police force actually working out there?



    Most of the blog spam comes through anonymous proxies, so unfortunately there’s no way to actually track down who’s responsible :-(. Besides, I don’t think that there’s even any sort of law relating to the content of posts in a public forum in the U.S. And I’m not sure that I would want there to be one…(free speech and all)

    The blog spammers are definitely getting smarter. Just a few weeks ago, you could prevent them from spamming you just by changing the filename of your comment-posting file. Now, the spambots actually parse through the page and look for the filename of the posting script!

    Since installing authimage, I have not gotten a single spam(knocks wood). I’ve even set up my version to use an easier to read font, greater color contrast, and only a 4 digit code, but the spammers still can’t seem to get around it ??



    where do you edit the amount of digits required?



    You’re right, I shouldn’t equate comment spammers with email spammers. Same slime, different animal.



    Any tips and tricks for using authimage in 1.5? It tells me to look for something in wp-comments-post.php and it ain’t there.



    I found a comment for fixing authimage on his site for 1.5, but I still can’t get it to work. Has anyone gotten it to work?



    I’ve improved the AuthImage captcha image generation in version 3.0, just released today. Bots should have a really hard time getting through that, if at all.

    DJ Rg


    i use both WordPress v1.2 and Blogger.com ..i only get comment spam (and trackback spam until i turned it off yesterday) on WordPress ..what does Blogger do different? Maybe we should follow what Blogger does to avoid spam? ..just a thought



    I have Spam Karma and I haven’t had one comment spam show up on my blog since I installed it. Works like a charm. ?? I like that you can add a script to your index page to tell others how many spams have been eaten since the last reset too. ?? You know it’s working.



    Thanks for the code! I installed it and it seems to work like a charm … except somehow, some messages are still getting through to my moderation queue despite having banned words. When I post the same message myself manually, though, it gets blocked. So somehow, some of the blog spammers are getting around the code. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Still less than before, though.



    Ran across this:

    oobrien (he used to use authimage) has a verifying plain text field (password field?) in his comment form. Interesting…

    Moderator James Huff


    How to use a plain text field like the one mentioned above:


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