• I don’t think i will bother anymore to try install this program. Now I’m getting a ‘You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.’ I’ve installed four times now.

    Programmers need to go back and make something user friendly or put the truth on the front page and say that it’s very hard and many things can and do go wrong.

    First it’s permissions then it’s the whole ‘blog’ folder deleted from my servers then it’s a database deleted then i reinstall everything and it says You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first. Again!. No explanations on how to change permissions and or clear old database tables.

    You users will probably take offence to this, l’ve been doing this 5 minute famous install for two days now. It was successful once and now it’s all gone and i could see it was only going to be the beginning to getting a site running. It will need heaps of tweaking to get things right.

    I tried this same famous WordPress about over a year ago and went through reading all the tech stuff and got that stressed out that i left it again. I don’t think it’s a 5 minute install at all unless you get pot luck and don’t need halve a lifetime of technical knowledge. It’s 5 minutes to the beginning of the nightmare.

    I’m just venting i’ve carefully read and followed instructions some get it easy but i tell you i’ve had a bad time with it.

    Maybe i will calm down tomorrow.

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  • Frankly, I agree with you. I’m having the same problems, some slightly self-inflicted, but that was because it would not work as advertised and I had to try to patch things and that just does not work…

    Unfortunately all these “geeks” or is it “programmers” are pretty full of shitl… they forget that there are those of us who want to use the program and are willing to put some effort in working with these “open source” things… but they always seem to think that you know as much as they do and will just zip thing through without a hitch. Well, we shouldn’t forget that these “computer tecchies” are nothing more than greasemonkeys of yesteryear…

    Now, as to the installation of this stuff, I think there is a problem with their permissions and file ownerships… I’ve been trying to install WordPress on my local FreeBSD 7.0 server to see if I could use it to set up a couple of small sites… but before I put it on a commercial server (piad hosting) I want to know if I can set it up on my local server…

    I found that if I set it up the way they say, something just doesn’t tick…

    I took a look at some of the stupidity that was being banged around on one of your posts – a lot of hot air and no sensible suggestions…
    typical ignoramuses – they had nothing to offer except – “it worked for me… I don’t see why you’re having such problems…” type of thing and throwing our some ridiculous comment about permissions and erasing files… and, or course, they had their host set it up and then it was easy… and one somebody said you shouldl spend a few hours reading the docs and studying — if you have to do that, why bother? Their 5 minutes setup is supposed to work… but of course there is no indication about how the thing should be implemented…

    It makes me feel better to rant a bit too… keeps one from getting ulcers and makes one laugh in the end… and after all, there is no better medicine than laughter.

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