• https://i10.tinypic.com/33bobkn.jpg

    I unchecked my comment check box for a while because I switched over to halo scan. Now I am looking to come back to WP and it won’t turn back on. It has been several days since I checked those boxes and it seems it won’t register. It isn’t a cache problem. You can see the link on my archive section only. I took the code off of the single post and main index because I substitued it with halo’s code.

    It says comments off.
    My url is imnotobsessed.com


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  • Try this once maybe?

    I took the code off of the single post and main index because I substitued it with halo’s code.

    Hmm, maybe try adding the codes back once?


    Sorry, skimmed read it the first time..sorry.. =(

    Thread Starter veryvera


    Hi Spencerp

    Do I add

    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments’, ‘Comment (1)’, ‘Comments (%)’); ?>

    I deleted the original code and this is all I have. I didn’t use pop up comments before though. I don’t know if that is what I am reading.


    Not knowing what you had originally, I’d say yeah, try adding that once again.. k.. =)


    Thread Starter veryvera


    ok so now the link is there (it’s the first one in the small header)

    BUT – there is no place to leave the comments
    there is no name, email, url, body boxes…

    Um, do you have the comments.php file in with your theme files? If not, maybe try grabbing it from the default 1.6 theme once.. and add it? Also, my guess would be to add the “CSS codes” for it too, in your theme’s CSS file..


    Thread Starter veryvera


    I have the comments.php file. The CSS for comments are all still there. That was left untouched. This is strange. You are being very helpful. I appreciate it. But I am stuck again….

    Ok.. to be sure also, is this in ANY of your theme files too?
    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    If not, what theme files do you have all together? I don’t know that theme, so.. if ya have the single.php file, try adding that code to it also..


    Thread Starter veryvera


    I tried to put that <> into my single post php and it didn’t work. In fact, my side bars and footer stopped displaying.

    It was a custom theme. I guess that is the issue huh? Maybe I will just try to find the designer and see if they can handle this. I can’t get this bad boy up and running.

    Spencerp, thanks again for hanging out with me!

    Oh ok, sure no problem. ?? =) Yeah, that would probably be your best bet then.. find the person that designed it, and have them look at it once.. ?? Good luck with it. ??


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