• I’m attempting to get bulk importing working but it doesn’t seem to matter what I put in as the group, it tells me it’s incapable of finding the group.

    Logging in does work, I can log in and authenticate with AD, Bulk importing is the only snag.

    AD Integration Bulk Import
    openLDAP installed
    [INFO] ————————————-
    2014-09-05 / 18:20:37

    [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
    – base_dn: dc=<domain>,dc=edu,o=<domain>.edu,ou=Users
    – domain_controllers: ct-prod-mini.<domain>.edu
    – ad_username: <myname>@<domain>.edu
    – ad_password: **not shown**
    – ad_port: 389
    – use_tls: 0
    – network timeout: 5
    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO] Domain Controller: ct-prod-mini.<domain>.edu
    [ERROR] Error retrieving group members for group “Domain Users”.
    [ERROR] Error retrieving group members for group “id:513”.
    [INFO] Number of users to import/update: 1 (list generated in 0 seconds)
    [INFO] User “<myname>” not found in Active Directory.
    [WARN] User “<myname>” disabled.
    [INFO] 0 Users added.
    [INFO] 0 Users updated.
    [INFO] In 0 seconds.
    [INFO] ————————————-
    2014-09-05 / 18:20:37

    Bulk Import returned no error.


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  • tuneo, I tried as you said and it helped me too. Thank you very much.

    Sorry mokelock, I am obviously not referring to same issue. I’m talking about in the setup where you put the name of someone with rights to the AD files and the password box is to remain empty unless you want to change that person’s password.

    I had the same issue with AD Binding, and tuneo’s fix worked for me. However, now that ADI is binding with AD, it can’t find any of the groups that I know are there. I tried changing the Base DN as previously suggested to the highest possible level, but still no dice. It also isn’t recognizing “domain users;id:513,” giving me these errors:

    [ERROR] Error retrieving group members for group “domain users”.
    [ERROR] Error retrieving group members for group “id:513”.

    The output then lists all my current users who have already logged-in using their Active Directory credentials, but they’re all listed as “not found in Active Directory.” In the end it seems the binding works, but no actual data is getting imported.

    basemaly, I did the following:

    1. Moved all users to a new OU called companyname_Users in the root of my AD
    2. Set baseDN in ADI->Server to ou=companyname_Users,DC=domain,DC=local
    3. Set Import members of security groups in ADI->Bulk Import to id:513

    And that works.

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