• Hello, for two days I have not been able to log into my WordPress account and I’m the admin….which is not good. I have a tech guy who is in the process of shifting us over to a new host server, but it hasn’t happened yet. He claims this should not have effected me logging in, and he can still log in under his info. Any suggestions on what I can do?

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  • The instructions are easy as pie. Just follow them to the letter. And when you DO get in there to change the admin password (following the instructions in the link I posted), EXPORT an SQL dump of that database. THEN notify your web host. Web hosts sometimes will hose a database if they can’t figure what else to do to correct the problem. It’s up to you to have a backup. And again, if your guy doesn’t understand what I’m talking about — which is basic web maintenance 101 — then find someone who does.

    Contact me off forum if you want (check my profile for email addy) and I can try to walk you thru this. I’ve done it dozens of times before.

    Thread Starter rville


    We’ll give this a shot. We already have backups of the site. He copied the database to a private server as a test to make sure everything would work correctly when we move to the new server. We’re thinking something got unplugged along the way by accident.

    It’s just data, nothing should have gotten “unplugged.” Why doesn’t he just export the user table (make sure Drop Table is checked) from the back up into the live database? That should restore the user situation. He really should look in the backup and make sure that there are only the users that are supposed to be there. Hack attempts on unsecured versions of WordPress, which 2.7 now is, have been known to take place by injecting additional admin users into the database. If this is the case, then your WP was hacked.

    Yep, it all goes to mine2.com/randomville/ (looking at source code) and here’s the login link: https://mine2.com/randomville/wp-login.php

    Thread Starter rville


    Yes, the mine2 was his test site to plug it in and be sure it was done correctly before moving to the new server. His latest response:

    It is not a database issue, but a re-direction issue. I’ve removed the .htaccess completely, but can’t tell how it is redirecting.”

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