Hello @olliejones
Please read the support response from cloudways team;
and after then new settings, metadata id is this;
Metadata uploaded to id twARReKfYq
Hope you are doing well. The issue seems to be due to a higher number of admin-ajax calls as found on your server for application:
2885 /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
98 /
66 /wp-content/plugins/webpushr-web-push-notifications/sdk_files/webpushr-sw.js.php
36 /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
30 /
These ajax calls are something that pushes changes you do in your website backend to the site, with the fact that you are experiencing it when you are working on your site clearly indicates that your server is overwhelmed with them therefore we need to increase the interval between these ajax calls on every site you are actively working on.
Here is a detailed guide on how to overcome admin-ajax calls consuming your server resources. I can tell you briefly what is being done here that you can install a plugin termed HeartBeat Control separately and then modify the activity for the WordPress dashboard only to a value in between 200 and 300 secs.
As for the MYSQL settings, our default stack has been deployed after testing. Therefore, I would highly recommend you to first consult with us before changing MYSQL settings as it will only create new issues rather than mitigating previous ones. The official document states that the value for innodb_buffer_pool_size CAN be increase to 80% however this is a possibility, not a recommendation and this differs from host to host.
You can test these settings as they have taken effect as of now and if you wish to reset them for you, we will be happy to do so.