Hi there!
I tested the settings in Theme Options > Home Layout > Home Icon Menu section. However, I didn’t encounter any issues with adding an icon – https://share.getcloudapp.com/4guXyX7v.
Have you tried the initial troubleshooting steps already? If not yet, please follow our steps here – https://www.kadencewp.com/blog/how-to-troubleshoot-your-website/
Also, after adding an icon, check your browser console log to see if there are any errors. If you see texts in the color red, take a screenshot and send it to us here so we’ll have more information as to what the cause of the issue is. Here’s our guide in checking the browser console log – https://www.kadencewp.com/help-center/docs/kadence-theme/how-to-view-console-log-errors/.
I hope this helps, and let us know if we can help you further.