@sunmarket – it appears the errors you encountered are related to the country associated with your store. Not all countries are supported for Catalog Creation at this time.
If you would like additional assistance please contact TikTok for Business Support to help debug this issue.
To file a support ticket with the TikTok for Business team follow the below instructions:
1. Go to (TikTok for Business Support- https://ads.tiktok.com/athena/requester/form/1674225710396421?identify_key=6a1e079024806640c5e1e695d13db80949525168a052299b4970f9c99cb5ac78&board_id=1705151646989423&category_1_id=1717270337208322)
2. Login with your TikTok for Business Account credentials (In order to submit a customer support ticket, you must have a TikTok for Business account)
3. Select “E-Commerce Platform Integration”
4.Under Question Category, select “TikTok and Business Plugin Channel Setting”
5.Fill out the required fields in the support ticket (please make indicate that you are using the WooCommerce Plugin, provide your website URL, and Catalog ID if available)