OK, took me some time but:
A- first solution for “Leave Reply” & “Post Comment”,
-undo all changes in WP core files you made
-make child theme (if you don’t know how, take a look on this forum, many times explained)
-in your Hueman child you will have almost empty functions.php
-anyway, create it if doesn’t exist, it should look like this:
[ Moderator note: code block fixed. ]
//Changes WP contact form labels
function change_comment_form ($arg) {
$arg['title_reply'] = __('Hello World!!!!');
$arg['label_submit'] = __('Hello World!!!');
return $arg;
Instead of Hello World put string you need for title and button label.
B- – I don’t have “Next/Previous page” on home page, but like on https://demo.alxmedia.se/hueman/ “Page n of n”- that’s plugin WP-Pagenavi that Alex suggests to be activated.
If you do it (and you should, since author suggests it), translation is easy:
– go to wp-content\plugins\wp-pagenavi and edit file “wp-pagenavi.php”
This is easiest (can be done from child theme, but I really don’t have time now). Just take into account that on next WP-Pagenavi plugin update you will loose that modifications.
So, hope this helped, first solution is safe – touching WP core files is a no no ??
Please mark this [resolved] and good luck with translating,