• Resolved myclothes


    This plugin makes so much sense, but for the life of me I cannot make it work in the template I am using to build a website for a client. They want a calendar page in the site that is easy to work with. Your plugin seems to be the right answer, but I cannot make it work. The template I am using is a one-page ThemeForrest template called Auris. It is really cool. I have followed al of your installation instructions, but to no avail. A grid calendar shows up on the page with forward and backward arrows and todays date, but nothing else. What should I do? I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks in advance.



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  • Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    @myclothes We’ll need a link to a public-facing page of your site to troubleshoot.


    Thread Starter myclothes


    Can I give you my username and password privately for you to trouble shoot? My client is not ready to go public with this site yet.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    You can post the feed settings you are using here so we can take a look at those at the very least and see if anything stands out.

    Thread Starter myclothes


    Here are the feed settings:

    Test Feed
    BackNext February 2015 MTWTFSS 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 2324Dinner with Dean Starts: 7:00 pm Ends: February 24, 2015 – 8:00 pm Location: Washington Brewery Banquet Hall upper level, 108 Busch Avenue, Washington, MO 63090, United States More details…25262728
    2015/02/26 6:41:15 PM
    Published 1334 [gcal id=”1334″] Grid

    General Settings

    Google API Key AIzaSyDiM5ENOd8mNZjPXu5oKHV9IsW780v5edE
    If left blank all displayed Google calendars will use a public Google API key shared across all plugin users. Currently the shared key is limited to 500,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second.
    To avoid these limits click here for instructions on how to generate and use your own Google API key.
    Save Settings Save your settings when uninstalling this plugin. Useful when upgrading or re-installing.

    Thread Starter myclothes


    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    I need the feed settings that are under “GCal Events” -> All Feeds -> (Your feed title) -> Scroll Down to the feed settings. You should see the input for the calendar ID, display mode, etc.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Going to assume this is resolved now since there hasn’t been a reply. If you continue to have issues please let us know so we can help out.


    Thread Starter myclothes


    Not resolved, but I have installed another calendar plugin that seems to be working. Nothing fancy, but the client likes it. I appreciate your efforts.

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