Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch and I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience and timing of this.
The plugin was recently temporarily disabled due to an issue found where, when you use the the export tasks or projects to .json or .csv feature from the admin dashboard, the file is saved and not deleted, and if you know the name of the file it is possible to download the .csv or .json file which could be an issue if that is not something that you want.
This has been fixed, and I am just awaiting a review from the WordPress team to resubmit the plugin and it should be live again soon.
The updated version can be found here in the meantime until it is enabled again: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ciajxjz3kkg1ksrvavvvp/zephyr-project-manager.zip?rlkey=ioh0nwy57cz7b37gwwk4p6669&dl=0
Once again I apologize for the trouble.
I hope you have a great weekend further. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help as I am more than happy to help. You can also contact me at [email protected].
Kindest regards,