• harryts


    Sorry for the stupid question. My site is still on my localhost and almost ready for uploading. But I accidentally changed the site’s address in the dashboard. And now I cannot enter the dashboard. WordPress offers me to enter password under Admin. I think it was Admin, as well. But WordPress claims the password is not correct. What can I do? I wouldn’t like to reinstall WordPress and loose all my data. On the face of it, the folder with all the files and pages still exists, of course. I can copy it to some other place. Is there any file where I can manually correct my site address in the dashboard? Thanks a lot

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  • Clayton James


    You will need to use one of the methods described here to change it back: Changing The Site URL. Using phpMyAdmin is usually very quick and painless: Changing the URL directly in the database

    Thread Starter harryts


    Small problem^:

    phpMyAdmin – Error
    Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.
    Where can I see the log, please?

    Thread Starter harryts


    Download and reinstall phpMyAdmin?

    Thread Starter harryts


    OK. I logged in phpMyAdmin and I’ll try to fix the database

    Thread Starter harryts


    But I cannot see my database there. I can see only:
    – information_schema
    – test
    What should I do, please?

    Clayton James



    403 ошибка означает не разрешен доступ. Вы можете иметь разрешения проблемы на каталоги и файлы.

    Кроме того, поскольку это другая тема, пожалуйста, начните новый.

    Clayton James



    As for the database actually not being there, I can’t say what that might be about. Here is a great pictorial/tutorial How-to using phpMyAdmin.


    Thread Starter harryts


    But I didn’t touch any file, besides changing site-address in my dashboard. Looks strange ??

    Thread Starter harryts


    Probably, I should ask as follows:
    I can see my site on my localhost with all the menues, pages and pictures. Besides the dashboard. How can I find the dashboard?

    Clayton James


    I didn’t touch any file

    You didn’t have to. The site addresses are actually stored in your database. If you can still see the site, but the theme is messed up, then the database is still there. You just need to get into it.

    Because you changed the addresses incorrectly, you won’t be able to log into the dashboard. It still thinks it’s at the old address because you only changed the URL’s in the settings, and not the actual file paths.

    Take a look at the instructions in that article again, and see if the “Edit wp-config.php” method might be something that would get you going. I recommend a complete read of it before going any further.

    Elan Technosys


    Can you post your site URL here.



    Did you name your database ‘test’?

    Thread Starter harryts


    No, I don’t think so. I don’t remember. It should be my site’s name? I followed all the instructions of WordPress ??

    Thread Starter harryts


    I guess something crushed here. How can I restore database? Or I should reinstall waordpress and create site from zero? ?? I didn’t remove any files

    Thread Starter harryts


    OK. How to create (fix) a database and copy my site into it. I can still see my site with all the options, but I cannot see the database and the dashboard

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