Hi @leadgenerator
Backup you shared was not closed correctly. The issue may be caused by PHP CLI modified by your hosting provider (common case).
In any case, please never share your backup files publicly.
It may contain sensitive data such as passwords or usernames.
File you share is broken overall and can’t be used for restoration.
But the problem can be also caused by unfinished or closed download.
I need you to verify that by going to “Manage & Restore Backup(s)” tab.
If you can see the backup on the list where you made it, the file isn’t broken.
In this case, enable alternate download method: https://prnt.sc/1slr41w
– You can find that option in “Other options” section, make sure to save it.
Mentioned list can’t display only restorable backups, in case it’s not visible you need to make new one, but before you do that follow these steps:
1. Go to “Other options” section
2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
4. Modify query output: https://prnt.sc/1trxucl (set this value to 100)
5. Save “Other options” section
6. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
When you do that, try to make new backup file. Then you can try to restore.
In any case you can keep the alternate download method enabled.
Let me know if that worked for you ??
Thank you!