• https://mhshimuls.tk/ is web site by wordpress. when I tried to open my blog then it shows:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /home/u237086156/public_html/wp-includes/user.php on line 258
    How can I got back my account?

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  • Have you changed or moved any files or folders within your wordpress directory?

    Do you have a backup of your site/ database?

    Thread Starter mhshimuls


    i have installed few plugins but, after this my site is showing this problem. i have no more back up site.

    Thread Starter mhshimuls


    i have no more back up site.

    what did you do last b4 you got this error? try and trace it back and undo what you did…try backing up your current user.php file and replacing it with the original wordpress user.php file…you’ll have to download wordpress to your computer and browse to the /wp-includes/ folder, then upload and replace the user.php file with your current one AFTER backing it up.

    I fixed a problem very similar to this 4 hours ago for someone else. It was due to a plugin. If you have FTP access it is easy to fix.

    You want to get rid of that error as soon as possible. Hackers have a way via Google Search and other tools to detect those errors and attack sites, since they are super vulnerable. I am going to sleep soon, but I’ll stay up an extra ten minutes in case you need assistance.

    Thread Starter mhshimuls


    is there anyone to tell me a direct away to get back my site? Plz help me as it is wordpress hosting site.

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme by renaming your current theme’s folder inside wp-content/themes and adding “-old” to the end of the folder name using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder – from a fresh download of WordPress.

    And stop bumping please.

    I would like to explain a few things. Your website isn’t by wordpress nor is it their obligation to fix any issues. You are using WordPress’s code under the GPL version 2. Esmi gave you great advice that should fix the problem. Also, the error probably isn’t the error you should be focusing on. If you don’t want to use esmi’s advice, then you should at least look at line 71 of users.php and if the problem isn’t their do some more research. The problem may be on line 70, someone may have forgot to close their parantheses or curly brackets. I am telling you to look at line 71 because I went to your site and went to wp-includes/user.php and got this error
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_filter() in /home/u237086156/public_html/wp-includes/user.php on line 71.

    add_filter is a normal hook in WordPress, so you’d need to do more research.
    If you can’t fix the issue on your own, then you may want to hire a WordPress consultant. My company does consulting.

    Thread Starter mhshimuls


    my main problem is that i made my website & download installation file. I didn’t do anything more. Few days ago i installed few plugins. But, now i am unable to reach my account. I didn’t upload any file in my site. I also didn’t do any work with my installation files.

    Did you try the steps advised by esmi? If not, please try and report back.

    Then you need to disable your plug-ins and troubleshoot them one at a time…

    Following Esmi’s advice should get you your access back.

    Thread Starter mhshimuls


    now i am going to try FTP . What should i upload there? As i never upload any file.

    you shouldn’t be uploading anything. You are going to rename a folder that is already there to get you your admin panel access back.

    1.Via FTP navigate to the wp-contents folder (directory)
    2.Via FTP rename the folder “plugins” to “plugins.hold”
    3.Login to your WordPress administration menus (/wp-admin)
    4.Via FTP rename “plugins.hold” back to “plugins”

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