• Hello there, i am having issue with my wordpress installation that I have had for years.
    For some reason, i am getting daily insertion of spam blog posts into the database without my permission.

    I already change my database password (though that may be an external link with access to my database) but injection is still happening, so i suppose that is something related with feed automation from one file inside my installation.

    This seems to be ghost records, since none of them are displayed into the admin or public part, but can be accessed if you know the url. The common thing of all the records, is that they are inserted into a category called aerotank

    For some reason, looking at the wp_options table, i found a record with some rewrite rules that includes conditions for aerotank. But every time i delete the record, a new one is generated.

    Please, please can someone help me? I posted this over a month ago and got no response..help..

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