• ResolvedPlugin Contributor photocrati


    We’ve had numerous users report that the hyperlink button in the add/edit page/post screen is grayed out and not working.

    I’m creating a sticky topic on this at the top of the forums so that other users who come here will see it know we’re aware of the issue and working it. It’s one of the highest priority items for the next update, hopefully a week or less away. If we find a patch, we’ll also post it here.


    Most users are not having this problem, so we need to be able to diagnose what’s producing it for specific users.

    For that reason, if you are having this issue, I’d like to ask if you’d consider submitting a bug report with login credentials. We’d need WP admin credentials at the least, and if you want to add FTP, we’ll patch your site with the fix when we find it.


    Otherwise, you are welcome to post any other details here and we’ll see them. You can follow/subscribe to this post and you’ll get updates.



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  • Same problem here (Win7/xampp-test-environment):

    Local-Example-Screenshot: https://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3346/y6yleyby_jpg.htm

    It works normally again if I deactivate NextGEN 2.0.7

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @w.bear: yes, it’s definitely triggered by NextGEN, but not in most cases, so there’s something specific to environments where it’s happening.

    On that note, I wanted to add: If anyone is willing to try it, can you please try momentarily deactivating other plugins, see if the issue persists, and then reactivate your plugins. Many of the issues we’ve been seeing are conflict related, so that’s a real possibility here.

    Thanks again for any details.

    I have 28 plugins deactivated simultaneously. Only nextgen 2.0.7 was left. The Hyperlink error unfortunately remained. (locally tested under Win7 and https://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html)

    I think the problem is in the “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js”

    BTW: If I select some text and then press <B> (bold) once or twice -> then the hyperlink button is working again.

    I can also drag the editor window larger or press any other button (except the NextGEN-ATP-Button) after I’ve selected some text. After that procedure the hyperlink-button works again.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @w.bear: I’ve added these details to the issue. Thanks for posting. Do you have to do this again each time you’re on a new post/page? If anyone else is having this issue, I’m wondering if you can try what @w.bear is doing and let us know if it works again for you as well.

    Yes I have to do this each time when I edit a new/other page…

    Another Problem with “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js”:


    Clicking the NextGEN-ATP-Button destroys title-line and close-button of other Tiny-MCE-Interfaces.

    We are having problems like this on some of our sites. If you use the text editor and not the visual editor it’s not a problem. If you bold text and then unbold it starts to work, but creating a page or accessing and existing page or post grays out the link and unlink function when you first access the page. Once you use the text formatting keys like bold, italics or underline text tools in the WordPress visual editor things function normally. But go back to the page and it won’t work again.

    Some sites are using 3.5.2 and version 2 and latest one is 3.6 with version 2.07

    Will send credentials via the form for site access.


    Installed the newest update (Today) and the shortcodes seem to not display the PHP error anymore but still get Gallery Not Found for every shortcode that i use in the page.

    Any Ideas.


    If I change the line 74 from the file “ngg_attach_to_post_tinymce_plugin.js” to

    /* return false; */
    return true;

    both does work. (the hyperlink button and the table handling in TinyMCEAdvanced)

    The error must be somewhere in this code-area. Please check.

    Sorry: I mean line 78

    To get this hack work in IE the local browser cache must be deleted.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @w.bear: Thanks again for the additional troubleshooting. I’ve added the additional details to our issue for this.

    Just sent you an email about this. Please update/fix soon.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Hi all: we’ve introduced a fix for this and released at part of our latest informal mini-release. If you are comfortably with FTP and manually updating your plugin files, you can download the new zip here:


    Otherwise the fix will be included in the next official release, which we’re expecting to push out roughly on Monday.

    And if you still have issues linking obviously let us know.

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