Hi @missirina
Thank you for response!
I’m not really sure what do you mean by “encrypted” in this case. Formiantor’s mails are standard e-mails just like any other e-mail from your site and have all the standard/necessary e-mail headers. They are actually sent by your site.
But this may be an issue here. As the e-mail log shows they are sent it means that Forminator prepared them and triggered sending but the actual sending goes via regular WordPress core “wp_mail()” function by default.
This function can work in different ways but in general, it’s a “wrapper” for whatever is the default way of e-mail processing on the server.
Long story short, it can be subjected to some issues such as:
– limitations on your server related to domain of e-mail address sender (which can be an issue if sender in Forminator is set to use e-mail in different domain than your site)
– it can be related to DNS configuration and e.g. incorrect or missing SPF, DMARC or similar mail-related records,
– it can be a matter of server IP or the domain being included in some “spam” list (you can check it here – make sure to check both the domain and the IP of your server separately)
– and similar issues…
At this point I would suggest giving SMPT a try. It’s a way to change how your WordPress sends e-mails and usually it solves most of such issues. It’s worth giving a shot to see if it helps:
Note: they mention a paid plugin in this guide but you can use free plugins instead, such as Easy WP SMTP or our own Branda – configuration (interface) would be different but the principle and options to be set would be the same as explained there.
Best regards,