• Hi,

    I’ve been using this plugin and have noticed that the wp_redirection_404 table on my database has grown huge. I do have a lot of broken links on the site, but don’t need to monitor 404 links. Can I just empty the table and how do I stop the entries on it mounting up again?


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  • same problem here, is there a problem if i empty a wp_redirection_404 table with almost a million records???

    You delete that log from plugin setting, probably also in database if its not associated with other table.

    Also check under Option – 404 logs – you can set time how long these errors are stored, so your database will not be so full.

    Also you can turn off 404 logs from that Option.

    Hey how can i delete wp_redirection_404 records older than 3 months…

    The logs aren’t being purged automatically. My 404 logs were set to only keep a week’s notices but I still have entries dating back to 5 months ago.

    @radsp you will need access to your database with something like phpmyadmin to run a mysql query or you can just ask your webhost to help.

    I can confirm that the logs are still saved even when you select no logs.
    Is it something that could be fixed asap in a future update?

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