• Resolved jsntravel



    I am hoping someone can help me. I am very new to websites but love the Hueman theme. I found where to remove the large featured image in this support area but still want a small image to display in the post? When I preview the post it shows exactly as I want but when I look at the website the image does not appear. My website is notabletravel.com.

    Appreciate any advice.

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  • Thread Starter jsntravel


    West Coast of the US…and you? Enjoy dinner!!! I will look forward to hearing from you later.

    Oregon. Small world…;-)

    Try this and let me know what you think:
    Theme Options > Blog > Featured Post Count 0
    Theme Options > Blog > Standard Blog List ON
    Theme Options > Blog > Thumbnail Placeholder OFF
    Post format “Image”
    Post has Featured Image assigned
    Add this css:

    /* hide featured image on single post page */
    .single-post .image-container {
      display: none;
    Thread Starter jsntravel


    I will try that now and let you know how it goes.

    Thread Starter jsntravel


    Ok, no luck. But I didn’t find where the Standard Blog List could be turned ON? Or what Post has Featured Image assigned?

    “Standard Blog List” is an option in the version on the theme website. That version includes some additional functionality that isn’t included in the version in the wp.org repository. What that option does is display the posts on the home and category pages in a single column with the image on the left of the post meta and excerpt data, instead of the default two-per-row image-above-excerpt configuration. If you’re interested in reading about it or upgrading I wrote some instructions in this thread.

    The Featured Image is set when you edit the post. You would set the post format to “Image” (on the right side of the edit screen) and then the Featured Image option will show up just below the post title. “Set featured image” takes you to the Media Library to add an image. In your version the image will be displayed above the post title and excerpt on the home page (at least it should). I actually like the default layout; some people like it the other way.

    Thread Starter jsntravel


    Ok, I upgraded to the one from the website and made the changes again. The only thing I still don’t see is the ‘Set featured image’ option under the post title? Still doesn’t show the image on the first page. Any other advice?

    If the post format is set to “Image” the Featured Image option will show up just below the post title in the post editing screen, above the editor. If you don’t have the post format set to “Image”, the Featured Image option will be on the right at the bottom of the sidebar.

    Also, if you set the post format to “Standard” then you don’t need this css because the Standard format automatically suppresses the featured image on the single post page:

    /* hide featured image on single post page */
    .single-post .image-container {
      display: none;

    Calling it quits for today. Be back tomorrow.

    Thread Starter jsntravel


    Ok, on the screen options I needed to show the Set featured image.

    A small image now displays to the left of the blog. Would still prefer it to look more like the post looks like it when you click on the title. If you can think of anything else I would appreciate any other suggestions

    YOU HAVE BEEN INCREDIBLE!!!! Thank you so much!

    Well, it’s sometimes the obvious that you miss. Since I always enable those the first time I bring up a site it never occurs to me that it might be an issue. Sorry about that. So, looks like you’re making progress (?).

    Thread Starter jsntravel


    Definitely, thanks for all your help.

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