• I just got a mail from Flickr saying the API will be be only accessible via HTTPS from the 27th of june. Will the plugin be updated before that date?

    New API keys will be issued for HTTPS access only: as of 6 May 2014
    First blackout test window: 3 June 2014, 10:00-12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
    Second blackout test window: 17 June 2014, 18:00-20:00 (PDT)
    Non-SSL API deprecated: 27 June 2014, 10:00 (PDT)


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  • did it help you ?

    In early stages I also changed the flickr-gallery.php istelf too.

    I tried this today and it worked perfectly – replacing all https:// calls with https:// in phpFlickr.php, and editing the lines that gflaig noted:

    26, 27, 28 for direct references to https://api.flickr.com/..
    205 for a programmatically created request
    361 , 363 for https://farm…
    as well as
    604 for https://www.flickr.

    Thanks to all for helping to get this fixed.
    (I’m running WP 3.8.2 on Pair Networks)

    Thanks @jboverhof this fix worked for me too ??

    Did anyone else’s lightboxes break after making this change?

    Editing the phpFlickr.php on my site and swapping https:// for https:// made the thumbnails show but clicking on them no longer opens the lightbox.

    Hi all,

    I’ve had success fixing this plugin using the advice from above. Here are my steps:
    1. Edit flickr-gallery.php, replacing http with https where applicable. The final code is on this Pastebin.
    2. Edit phpFlickr.php, replacing http with https where applicable. The final code is on this Pastebin.
    3. Deactivate the plugin from the dashboard.
    4. Reactivate the plugin from the dashboard.

    I did not have to reset my Flickr API key or anything like that. Hope this helps!


    Did the https trick.
    Works like a charm, thanks !

    LG WPOrg


    Thank you Dan, your fix worked for me! This one I mean

    1. Edit flickr-gallery.php, replacing http with https where applicable. The final code is on this Pastebin.
    2. Edit phpFlickr.php, replacing http with https where applicable. The final code is on this Pastebin.
    3. Deactivate the plugin from the dashboard.
    4. Reactivate the plugin from the dashboard.

    I did not have to reset my Flickr API key or anything like that. Hope this helps!

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