• Hi- another newbie here
    When I try to upload photos into my site I get the Http error and/ or this:

    The uploaded file could not be moved to /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/havehimeatingoutofyourhand.com/httpdocs/wp-content.

    This is what I have done so far to rectify this
    1. Uploaded a new directory to the root of my server called ‘uploads’
    and made it fully readable and writeable – but changed it now because of security reasons
    2. Added code to the .hcasses file- didn’t make a difference- so deleted it and now it is blank again
    3. searched through every forum and website trying to find the answer.

    Any other simple suggestions so I can upload photos??

    Elana Both

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  • I am also having this problem with large images, and it’s been devastating to my sanity. I am stubborn, so I absolutely refuse to accept that I have to upload them via FTP.

    Any ideas? Anyone?



    I have the same problem on a brand new WP installation.

    Tried this:

    Still not working.

    What to do next?

    chmod /wp-content and all uploads folders under it to 777
    upload an image
    now chmod all back to 755 for security
    should work from now on

    tried the chmod to /wp-content and subfolders….still won’t allow me to upload anything without erroring out.


    Have a check with these options:

    1) Add this code in .htaccess file of the wordpress blog:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    2) Change the permissions of wp-contents folder to 766 recursively.

    3) Go to your WordPress Admin then Settings – Misc. Set ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to: wp-content/uploads and leave Full URL path to files blank.


    Shane G.

    try putting

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

    at the TOP of your htaccess file

    I’ve been wrestling with this for 3 hours…I’ve seen a dozen people say that this issue still hasn’t been resolved. I’ve tried every fix I could find. Nothing is working. I would think that an issue like this would have a fix.

    krembo99 –
    Your solution finally solved this problem for me. Thank you!

    More explicitly, I modified the .htaccess with Shane G’s recommendation which gave me a 500 internal error. I left that and added krembo99’s code to the top and the combo works perfectly. Since it seems so many people are having this problem, I had to comment this success.

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