hello chet.
In cases like these, I use a completely blank theme with barebones wordpress functions included.
My favorite is
That is a completely barebones theme. Includes some functions to get you started. Allows total freedom with where you go.
Then you just include the html as you see fit…takes some practice to get used to any wordpress functions and proper placement throughout the theme. There are plenty of tutorials out there. Just gotta dive in and take it step by step.
Quite honestly I could sit here and write a short essay and it would only skim the surface …Just gotta keep trying through tutorials and find which one fits you best. It’s simple, once you get into it. Just a lot of information to cover.
Personally I would not mind answering any specific questions that you may have.
I do not have much knowledge of advanced functions, but I do know enough to get you a decent start (it’s just a matter of “where to begin”)
Feel free to add me on skype: andy101592, if you would like.
I’ll be around for a few hours this evening