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  • jkstraw


    not just you – viewing source confirms this. You can take the wordpress code from soundcloud directly and it works but you loose some options.

    Luba Lee


    I just installed it today and it works fine on iOS, in HTML5.

    Could you post a link to the site where you have trouble?

    Eazy Jay


    Hello! Unfortunately I have the same problem – with Flash it works, but HTML fails.

    Here’s a test site:

    KR Jay

    Luba Lee


    I’m sorry, Easy Jay but I cannot find any place in your site where a Soundcloud player is. Could you specify the exact page where it is?

    Thread Starter luca paltrinieri


    The page were I am having trouble is

    Viewing the source or right-clicking you can see it is Flash – but I swear I put HTML5 in the settings…

    Eazy Jay


    Hello WPLubalee, yes, the player comes up directly among the header banner – it appears as a flash player. same situation like lutherbissett’s post above.

    Here’s a screenshot with the player:

    Thank you for taking care of it!

    Luba Lee


    Hey Easy Jay, now I see… (I was on an iPad). Anyway, to be able to see what happens, you should configure the plugin to work on HTML5, then we’ll see what happens with the source code.

    In the screenshot, I show you how my configuratiln looks like. And I have no problem on iOS. Maybe there’s a conflict with some other plugin or with the theme..


    Anyway, have you tried what happens if you uninstall the Soundcloud plugin and add the HTML5 code by yourself? Does it work?

    lutherblisset, I have taken a look to your site, also, and it dispays the Flash version, as you said. Try pasting the <iframe> code in a post, for example, see what happens.

    Thread Starter luca paltrinieri


    I tried disabling all plugins, but the problem is still there.

    I have tried as wplubalee suggest, to paste the iframe code provided by Soundcloud, and it works…
    I have lost the possibility to customize the look, but at least the player is now visible on iOS.

    And I can delete the Soundcloud plugin, since it is useless for me now… They say the less plugins the better right?

    Luba Lee


    Yes, lutherblisset, the “cleaner” you are, the best ?? there’s no point in having the plugin if you don’t use it. Anyway, manually (I mean when you go grab the code), you can customize everything on the player, except the background color, so it matches better..

    Luba Lee


    lutherblisset, I just saw it on your website, and it looks good. If you want, you can put out the artwork, so the player will not be so big, and instead will appear the “play” icon. I think that way looks like the Flash one, more or less… ??

    Eazy Jay


    Hello WPLubalee, now I deactivated and reactivated the plugin, and finally I placed the iframe code, and it works. Strange… Thank you very much***

    Eazy Jay


    Finally, Madame LubaLee, I have one question: Is there an option for using the “buy…” parameters within html? Or are you planning to introduce this? Thanks and good nite from Europe***

    Luba Lee


    Hey, Easy Jay, I’m very happy to hear that! It is strange, though but if it works, don’t touch it ??

    Eazy Jay


    Yes, I will heed your advice – definitely ??

    Luba Lee



    I didn’t know about the buy button, so I researched a little and I found that it is possible to configure it on the editor of the sound (or song) itself. Read this, and hope it helps:

    As for customisation, also in HTML5 you can change the “highlight” color, if you want, so it matches better any design.

    Good morning from Europe, too. ??

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