• Hi, I am getting close by finishing my theme.

    I validated my theme and got some errors, the first three I don’t know what they mean.


    Bad value EditURI for attribute rel on element link: Keyword edituri is not registered

    Because the validator says I have to look in line 19, but in the header there is no line like that… ??

    Can somebody give me the golden tip?

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  • Thread Starter baszer



    Thread Starter baszer


    I got the errors in the lines. Because of the weird rel attribuut

    <link rel=”EditURI” type=”application/rsd+xml” title=”RSD” href=”https://test.eenwebsitevanbas.nl/xmlrpc.php?rsd&#8221; />

    <link rel=”wlwmanifest” type=”application/wlwmanifest+xml” href=”https://test.eenwebsitevanbas.nl/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml&#8221; />

    <span class="category-icon"><a href="https://test.eenwebsitevanbas.nl/category/geen-categorie/" title="Alle berichten bekijken in Geen categorie" rel="category tag">Geen categorie</a></span>

    comes from the line of code:
    <span class="category-icon"><?php the_category(', ') ?></span>

    as you can see in the last line, there is (as far as I know) nothing wrong with my script. So how can I make sure the error disapears

    These link types I believe are not part of HTML5 spec, but you have to remember it’s a working draft. Plus, the validator itself is in experimental stage.

    wlwmanifest, EditURI are used by blog client software as far as I know

    If these errors really bug you you can always clean up the header:

    Thread Starter baszer


    thanks Andrei for you reply.

    The errors don’t really bug me, but I make this theme for the wordpress website. So I thought it needs to have zero errors on HTML validation. Or are these ‘errors’ allowed?

    Well… there’s a lot of back and forth

    As far as I understand, current spec doesn’t allow these, so you can’t use them if you want the site to validate. But it’s unlikely anything will be broken if you do.

    It would be interesting to hear what the core WP devs think about this issue and/or are planning to do.

    Well this could be one of those issues that drag on for a while.
    I also have an issue with my website not validating because of this little bug.

    Although the presentation looks fine it’s annoying from an SEO point view that the site cannot be fully validated ??

    Thanks for you input Andrei it went some way in providing an answer. Baszer I hope you finish your theme.

    1. The HTML5 validator is experimental

    2. The HTML 5 aspec is still in draft., It won’t become a formal W3C spec until approx 2014 according to W3C.

    So you’re currently using an experimental validator to check against a draft (and changeable) DOCTYPE spec.

    Thread Starter baszer


    @sourcelink, my theme is already two weeks waiting for approval. Last time was way faster, but I have the time ??

    suraj pal sharma


    try changing wp-includes/category-template.php replace ‘rel=”category tag”‘ by ‘rel=”tag”‘

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