• Sarah H


    Is there NO way at all, no workaround, to show simple HTML text formatting in the Product Description in the Detail layout? This is a make-or-break feature for us. ??

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  • etoilewebdesign


    Hi Sarah,

    The built in description strips HTML to preserve the layout, however you can add HTML into a textarea Custom field and set the “Display?” option to Details View.

    Thread Starter Sarah H


    Thanks for the quick response! Custom fields aren’t included in the free version correct? And if we DO go that route, will the new custom field break the Details layout? I’m sure some amount of customization will be required via CSS, but it’s a question of time and cost (and thus client approval).



    Hi Sarah,

    Yes, you would need the premium version to use the Custom Fields. The custom fields will not break the “Details” layout and you wouldn’t need any customization to make the field appear on the “Details” layout.

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