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  • WP 2.0.3 can do this. For WP 1.5 you can use this plugin:

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    All solved, thank you :O)

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    I lied, not all solved .. if you look on my homepage: .. the first post reads:
    when it should read:

    The html I entered into the title field is:

    STAR <span class=”dark-grey-text”>KOKOPELLI</span>

    It is outputting the code quite strangely.

    Are there any solutions for this?

    Open the index.php file in your theme and find this line:

    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

    Now change it to this:

    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php echo strip_tags( the_title('', '', false) ); ?>

    It should work, since I use the same to take care of the spans I have in my post titles. You’ll also notice that the the comments link is also fishy when you use spans in the title. I fixed it by changing the core comments_popup_link() function (which isn’t a neat solution, since you might have to change it manually after a WordPress version upgrade).

    Look at your source – the span class is also in the title-tag (permanent link to …).
    I think, this is your problem.

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    That’s fantastic ??

    nastaliq that has worked perfectly, thank you so much.

    How do I also edid the code to make this change for the ‘Posted in’ section, as at the moment the ‘No comments’ text is also showing some tags.

    Not quite sure how to change that.

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    By the way – the code for this Posted section is:

    <p class=”postmetadata”>Posted in <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> | <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’, ”, ‘ | ‘); ?> <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments »’, ‘1 Comment »’, ‘% Comments »’); ?>

    This is currently displaying:

    Posted in GenERAL WAFFLE! | Edit | KOKOPELLI!”>No Comments ?

    The ‘KOKOPELLI!”>’ being the part where the tags need to be stripped from.

    Hope you can help!

    Okay, here’s what you can do for comments…

    Open your favourite text editor and paste the following code in it:

    function my_comments_popup_link($zero='No Comments', $one='1 Comment', $more='% Comments', $CSSclass='', $none='Comments Off') {
    global $id, $wpcommentspopupfile, $wpcommentsjavascript, $post, $wpdb;
    global $comment_count_cache;

    if (! is_single() && ! is_page()) {
    if ( !isset($comment_count_cache[$id]) )
    $comment_count_cache[$id] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = $id AND comment_approved = '1';");

    $number = $comment_count_cache[$id];

    if (0 == $number && 'closed' == $post->comment_status && 'closed' == $post->ping_status) {
    echo $none;
    } else {
    if (!empty($post->post_password)) { // if there's a password
    if ($_COOKIE['wp-postpass_'.COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { // and it doesn't match the cookie
    echo(__('Enter your password to view comments'));
    echo '<a href="';
    if ($wpcommentsjavascript) {
    if ( empty($wpcommentspopupfile) )
    $home = get_settings('home');
    $home = get_settings('siteurl');
    echo $home . '/' . $wpcommentspopupfile.'?comments_popup='.$id;
    echo '" onclick="wpopen(this.href); return false"';
    } else { // if comments_popup_script() is not in the template, display simple comment link
    if ( 0 == $number )
    echo get_permalink() . '#respond';
    echo '"';
    if (!empty($CSSclass)) {
    echo ' class="'.$CSSclass.'"';
    echo ' title="' . sprintf( __('Comment on %s'), strip_tags($post->post_title) ) .'">';
    comments_number($zero, $one, $more, $number);
    echo '</a>';

    Make sure that there are no empty spaces before <?php and after ?>. Now save the file as my-hacks.php and upload it to your root wordpress directory.

    Next, in the administration panel, go to Options > Miscellaneous and check “Use legacy my-hacks.php file support”.

    Now, search for comments_popup_link in your theme’s files. Replace every occurrence with my_comments_popup_link. You don’t have to change the function’s parameters.

    That should work.

    (Also, about post titles, you also need to change the code for your post titles in single.php, just like you did for index.php.)

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    Thanks alot nastaliq.

    I have made the php file and uploaded this, also I have changed the settings within my administration panel.

    I don’t really understand what you mean by comments_popup_link in my themes files.
    I can see comments-popup.php is this what you mean?

    I have looked in this file and can see no instances of comments_popup_link

    Is this what you mean?

    I have changed the code in my single.php file and that works perfectly so thanks alot.

    Comments are still not working though ??

    Oh, I meant to say that search within the theme files, that is to say that search in the code of those files.

    Like in the code you posted in one of your previous posts, you can see comments_popup_link, right? Just replace that with my_comments_popup_link, and wherever else you are using this function.

    Thread Starter simonbailey


    Fantastic, all fixed ??

    Thanks alot nas ??

    I created an account on here just to thank you, nastaliq, for that comments_popup_link code. I spent all night trying to fix that and was stumped until I found this threat. Thanks again.

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