• Hi,

    I have a widget for Advanced Recent Posts however I am unable to find the location for editing the HTML for Recent Posts.

    Basically I have the following code and wish to move the “Best Ski Deal Ever” a tag into the post-entry div.

    <li class="recent-post-item">
    				<a href="https://skicanadaholidays.ca/best-ski-deal-ever/" rel="bookmark">Best Ski Deal Ever</a>
    					                				<div class="post-entry">			
    					<a href="https://skicanadaholidays.ca/best-ski-deal-ever/" title="Best Ski Deal Ever">
    					<img src="https://skicanadaholidays.ca/wp-content/plugins/advanced-recent-posts-widget/timthumb/thumb.php?src=https://skicanadaholidays.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/bestdeal1.jpg&h=79&w=107&z=0" alt="Best Ski Deal Ever" width="107" height="79" />
    				                				<p>This is a test for the best deals post section.  <a href="https://skicanadaholidays.ca/best-ski-deal-ever/">Read More --></a> </p>

    Any help would be appreciated.

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