The tags I added classes to were:
p.pi-filter {}
.pi-filter a {}
.pi-column h4 {}
.pi-column {}
.pi-column ul li {}
* writes the index to stdout.
* @param int $maxColumns determines the amount of columns
function printItem($item, $itemCount, $categoryName, $maxColumns, $showLetter, $headerTag = 'h4') {
echo '<p>';
$categoryId = uniqid();
if(!empty($this->pageDescription)) {
echo str_replace( '${Category}'
, $categoryName
, str_replace( '${PostCount}'
, $this->getPostLabel($itemCount)
, $this->pageDescription
if($itemCount > 0)
echo '<hr />';
if($itemCount > 0)
echo '<p class="pi-filter">' . __(' ', 'post-index') . ' ';
$groups = array_keys($item);
$countOfGroups = count($groups);
for($i = 0; $i < $countOfGroups; $i++) {
echo '<a href="#letter_' . $categoryId . '_' . $groups[$i] . '">' . $groups[$i] . '</a>';
if($i < ($countOfGroups-1)) {
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '</p>' . "\n";
$itemCountPerGroup = 2; // used for the calculation of items per column.
$maxPostsPerColumn = floor(($countOfGroups * $itemCountPerGroup + $itemCount) / $maxColumns);
$columnPercentage = (100 / $maxColumns) - 2; // 2 is a offset needed for the padding.
if($maxColumns > 1) {
// start first column
echo '<div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
$currentItemsPerColumn = 0; // contains the amount of posts of the current column.
$currentColumn = 1; // indicates the current column.
foreach($item as $index => $posts)
$currentItemsPerColumn += $itemCountPerGroup;
if($showLetter) {
echo '<a name="letter_' . $categoryId . '_' . $index .'"></a><'. $headerTag .'>' . $index;
if($this->showGroupCount == 1) {
echo ' <small>(' . count($posts) . ')</small>';
echo '</'.$headerTag.'>' . "\n";
echo '<ul>'."\n";
foreach($posts as $post)
echo '<li><a href="' . $post['permalink'] . '">' . $post['title'] . '</a>';
if(!is_null($post['author'])) {
/* translators: a book 'by {author}' */
echo ' ' . sprintf(__('by %s', 'post-index'), $post['author']);
$linkList = $post['linkList'];
if(count($linkList) > 0)
echo '<br /><div style="font-size: smaller;">';
for($i = 0; $i < count($linkList); $i++)
$link = $linkList[$i];
echo $this->getSeparator($i, count($linkList), $this->infoSeparator);
echo '<a href="' . $link['url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $link['name'] . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</li>'."\n";
echo '</ul>';
// check a column break only on complete groups...
if($maxColumns > 1 && $currentItemsPerColumn >= $maxPostsPerColumn) {
$currentItemsPerColumn = 0;
if($currentColumn < $maxColumns) {
echo '</div><div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
} else {
echo '</div><div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
if($maxColumns > 1) {
echo '</div><div style="clear: both;"></div>';
echo '</p>';
Hope this helps.
Thanks for a great plugin!