HTML of Review form – where?
May you give me the path to the file, where the html of the review form is placed? Would like to change the classes using bootstrap css.
Have you tried adding a class attribute to the shortcode (i.e. [site_reviews_form class=”form-horizontal”]?
The HTML of the form fields are generated in the plugin. To what extent do you need changes made? Can you give a code example of what you need to accomplish?
(MAKE SURE to put any HTML code you provide in backticks or use the “code” button on the editor to format it as a code block!)
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Gemini Labs.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Gemini Labs.
I tried [site_reviews_form class=”form-horizontal”] but it didnt work.
What I need is to put some class variables to the input fields (“form-control”) and change the button class (“btn btn-submit”) etc.
should look like this in the end:
<form method="post" action="" name="glsr-jj5dmy3r" class="glsr-submit-review-form my-reviews-form" _lpchecked="1"> <input class="glsr-input" style="display:none!important" tabindex="-1" name="gotcha" type="text" autocomplete="off"> <div class="glsr-field"><label for="rating-jj5dmy3r">Your overall rating</label><span class="gl-star-rating gl-star-rating-ltr" data-star-rating=""><select class="glsr-star-rating" id="rating-jj5dmy3r" name="rating"><option value="" selected="selected">Select a Rating</option><option value="5">Excellent</option><option value="4">Very good</option><option value="3">Average</option><option value="2">Poor</option><option value="1">Terrible</option></select><span class="gl-star-rating-stars s0"><span data-value="1" data-text="Terrible"></span><span data-value="2" data-text="Poor"></span><span data-value="3" data-text="Average"></span><span data-value="4" data-text="Very good"></span><span data-value="5" data-text="Excellent"></span></span></span></div> <div class="glsr-field glsr-required"><label for="title-jj5dmy3r">Title of your review</label> <input class="form-control regular-text" id="title-jj5dmy3r" name="title" placeholder="Summarize your review or highlight an interesting detail" type="text" required="" style="background-image: url(""); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-size: 16px 18px; background-position: 98% 50%; cursor: auto;"></div> <div class="glsr-field glsr-required"><label for="content-jj5dmy3r">Your review</label> <textarea class="form-control large-text" id="content-jj5dmy3r" name="content" placeholder="Tell people your review" rows="5" required="" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; height: 140px;"></textarea></div> <div class="glsr-field glsr-required"><label for="name-jj5dmy3r">Your name</label> <input class="form-control regular-text" id="name-jj5dmy3r" name="name" placeholder="Tell us your name" type="text" required=""></div> <div class="glsr-field glsr-required"><label for="email-jj5dmy3r">Your email</label> <input class="form-control regular-text ltr" id="email-jj5dmy3r" name="email" placeholder="Tell us your email" type="email" required=""></div> <div class="glsr-field glsr-required"><label for="terms-jj5dmy3r-1"> <input id="terms-jj5dmy3r-1" name="terms" type="checkbox" required="" value="1"> This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion.</label></div> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="post-review"> <input name="form_id" type="hidden" value="jj5dmy3r"> <input name="assign_to" type="hidden" value="post-id"> <input name="category" type="hidden"> <input name="excluded" type="hidden" value="[]"> <input type="hidden" id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="fd8baae68f"> <input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="/sub10-20"> <div class="glsr-field"> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"><span></span>Submit your review</button></div> </div> </form>
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Try adding this code to your theme’s functions.php file:
IMPORTANT: Be aware that this solution uses an undocumented hook and will NOT work in Site Reviews v3 which will likely be released towards the end of this month.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Gemini Labs.
great! thank you. will the classes be editable in v3?
Are you interested in some suggestions for v3 in a different thread? or overloaded already? ??
Yes, field classes will be customisable in v3 but not in the same way as shown above (that’s why the hook used was undocumented). When v3 is released you will need to make a couple of adjustments to accomplish the same thing.
Site Reviews v3 has already been completed, it is just undergoing testing and addons are being completed to coincide with the release.
If you have feature suggestions, please send them to site-reviews[at]geminilabs[dot]io
Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table
reviews[at]geminilabs[dot]io is right?
p.s. yes, I replaced the brackets correctly
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
No, site-reviews@
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
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