• Resolved themj


    How do I use HTML in the form description? I want users to be able to view a video or click a toggle to get more info. Even better if I can use a shortcode and insert an elementor template

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  • Plugin Support Rick Alday


    When we designed the multi-step form, we didn’t implement the ability to add HTML code to the description field. So, indeed, the form description doesn’t support HTML, and we have a feature request for that. You can vote, provide additional details, or track the progress of the feedback here: https://feedback.givewp.com/feature-requests/p/step-1-description-of-the-multi-step-form-should-support-html

    Our feedback site is designed to be the single source for all updates on particular issues. If any movement has happened, it will be displayed there for both the public and our team internally.

    If specific feedback only has a handful of votes, that influences the priority we place on it. The more votes, the faster things get worked on!

    Currently, we do not have a workaround for that, so we encourage you to not use HTML code on the description field, only plain text.

    Meanwhile, feel free to message us if you have further questions or need any additional assistance!

    Thread Starter themj


    Thanks for the quick response. I have voted for this feature to be added. At the very least, the ability to add a shortcode inside the description would be great so that I could include an Elementor template, or some other dynamic content.

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