• Resolved positivit


    Hi I was using html in my titles to pull in icons like:

    My FAQ Title Here

    Recently this stopped working so I rolled back the version to 1.6

    Is it possible to again to allow html in the titles?

    Many thanks for the great plugin.

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  • Thread Starter positivit


    <img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-17126" src="https://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ICON-21.png" alt="" width="70" height="70" />My FAQ Title Here

    Stephen Raj



    I just tested this on our local and was able to reproduce the issue. Thanks much for the catch

    This issue is happening only from V1.7.3.1. So, you can use the V1.7.3, no need to rollback up to V1.6.

    I have added this to our bug tracker and have also conveyed this to our development team.

    I will make sure to let you know once there is a fix pushed up.

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter positivit


    Thanks For the reply.

    Will wait at 1.7.3 for a fixed version.

    Stephen Raj


    Hi @positivit ,

    We have fixed this issue in our latest release.

    Can you please update the plugin and confirm it?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter positivit


    Hi Stephen.

    Yes it works fine now in 1.7.4.

    Thanks for the great support.

    Stephen Raj


    Hi @positivit

    Glad to hear that. Please do consider leaving us a review if you wish to.

    That would encourage us a lot and also helps others learn about us.

    Kind Regards.

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