• Hi,

    I need to custom validate a form from HTML Forms. WPBruiser blocks all custom validations as its validation filter is firing with PHP_INT_MAX.

    goodbye-captcha/engine/modules/html-forms/GdbcHtmlFormsPublicModule.php line 24

    add_filter(‘hf_validate_form’, array($this, ‘validateFormsRequest’), PHP_INT_MAX, 1 );

    If you need PHP_INT_MAX just change the validateFormsRequest function to return the errorCode if it’s not empty. Sth like this:

    public function validateFormsRequest($errorCode)
    	if( !empty( $errorCode ) ){
    		return $errorCode;
    	$this->attemptEntity->SectionId = $this->getOptionIdByOptionName(GdbcHtmlFormsAdminModule::OPTION_IS_HTML_FORMS_ACTIVATED);
    	return GdbcRequestController::isValid($this->attemptEntity) ? null : 'blocked_by_gdbc';

    Can you please fix this?

    Is there a public repo to make a PR?

    Is this plugin still alive?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Carlos Faria.
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