html encoding issue with link title
Awesome plugin, as all by wpmudev.
I would juste like to point out one small issue that should be fixed. When posting a link, if the destination title happens to have “[” “]” in it, wordpress will confuse that with the shortcut and html output is cut off.For instance this link :
will work fine in preview, but when posted, the output will be :read this !
Les ingénieurs, cadres et techniciens organisent leur De?fense’ image=’’]L’Ugict-CGT a réuni 1 200 cadres sur le site symbolique de La Défense, la presse en parle…when checking through dashboard, the content is :
read this !
[bpfb_link url=’’ title='[REVUE DE PRESSE] Les ingénieurs, cadres et techniciens organisent leur De?fense’ image=’’%5DL’Ugict-CGT a réuni 1 200 cadres sur le site symbolique de La Défense, la presse en parle… [/bpfb_link]Si i’m guessing the [ and ] are being read as shortcuts beginning and end.
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