• ralphking



    WordPress 4.1 and CF7 4.1.

    Random P tags are being added to HTML email, which is messing up the layout. How can I remove these?

    So far I have tried using define( 'WPCF7_AUTOP', false ); which did nothing. I have also tried another fix in functions.php from an old thread which didn’t work. Minifying the html to remove any spaces/tabs/enters didn’t work either, it’s still adding p tags at random places, and sometimes it’s not even closing them anyway e.g:

    <p> <!-- /content --> </td>
    <td style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.6; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></td>

    Does anyone know a definitive way to stop this behaviour?



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  • Frontliner



    same here, been struggling with this problem since yesterday evening.

    I created a neat responsive HTML-template for emails, enabled HTML Content Type in the contact form’s options (checkbox) and put in the code (after applying a CSS Inliner to the template). I included the complete code (including top and bottom <html> <body> tags etc.).

    When i tested my form, i experienced that issue with random paragraph tags being inserted in the html markup.

    I’m unable to imagine that nobody who used HTML as email content did notice that issue/problem?

    So, we need a solution on this topic.

    Regards from Germany
    Frontliner (who just registered a few hours ago :))

    Thread Starter ralphking


    It is a bit odd – you would think expected behaviour with HTML type ticked was to accept HTML, including all headers, not to add random tags.

    I tried leaving HTML type unticked, and putting the MIME type headers in but that doesn’t work either.




    “Odd” is indeed the right expression.

    Isn’t there a simple filter which we can put into functions.php to just let the content stay “raw” as it is entered into the input field in the form’s settings?

    I cannot imagine that ralphking and me are the only ones who discovered issues with HTML content in emails sent by Contact Form 7.

    @anyone who got it working straight: Please explain what we’re doing wrong – or what you’re doing different compared to us?

    I’m glad with and looking forward to any further tips.

    Thread Starter ralphking


    Did you manage to find a fix for this? I haven’t found anything yet.

    Too bad. I neither found a solution.

    Seems we’re the only ones who try to send mails with html content via Contact Form 7..?

    I got this same thing after exporting from Mailchimp. Tried the same thing as you guys and even went into the database to see if anything was going on there.

    In the HTML I ended up removing the first table, which was blank and completely useless for my needs. I also stripped out the top body and head tags, and put the style tags into the body with the table. That got rid of it for me.

    The code in question:
    <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%" id="bodyTable"><tr><td align="center" valign="top" id="bodyCell"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td align="center" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="templatePreheader"><tr><td align="center" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600" class="templateContainer"><tr><td valign="top" class="preheaderContainer" style="padding-top:9px;">

    I don’t know if you solved this but if anyone else has issues it might help.

    This had me pretty befuddled, but I found a solution, even if it meant I had to edit the core plugin files. Once I decided go that route, the solution was easy:

    In Contact Form 7’s core plugin files, find the file:

    wp-content > plugins > contact-form-7 > includes > mail.php

    Go to about line # 82 in the file, where you will find:

    return wp_mail( $recipient, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachments );

    Immediately above that line, add in a new line:

    $body = str_replace('<p>', '', $body);
    $body = str_replace('</p>', '', $body);
    $body = str_replace('<br />', '', $body);

    I blogged my solution here.

    I have the same problem, did someone find the solution, that can leave your mail template <p> tags untouched and just disable cf7 <p>tags addition?

    It seems there’s still no solution for this massive bug.



    Frontliner, TheRealMaN_, I just ran into this issue. Quick fix, that doesn’t actually fix anything do to how wpautop works, it to minify your html. This has the drawback of not being able to strip out lines with blank mailtags. Also, wpautop will still randomly add in opening <p>s, and this may still effect your layout. You can always go into wp-content > plugins > contact-form-7 > includes > mail.php to line 51, currently, and remove “$body = wpautop( $body );”. Of course this change gets overridden if you update the plugin. I was fiddling around with the idea of using some code that runs before the plugins get initialized to open that particular file and just do a str_replace to remove the line. That way you can update, and it would still remove that line. Of course that has the trade off that some future update might rely on that bit of code, and you will break the plugin, but I feel like that can be a risk worth taking. There are a number of other random hacks in the same vein that are probably ‘cleaner’. I really hope the plugin owner will just wrap that call in an if statement to check for the WPCF7_AUTOP that already exists, or perhaps adding one specifically for the email…

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