• Our blog has a couple contributors who are WP “Authors”. We’ve told them that when including links in their posts that lead to other sites, our style is include a “new window” tag in that link.

    They both use the HTML Editor and have found that when they click the icon for a Link and they choose the Open in a new Window option from the pop-up there, the link loses that option when the post is saved/published.

    We (the admins) don’t have this problem with our posts, just them (the authors). And if we go in and edit their post … it works fine … then they go in and edit it themselves to fix a typo (never even open the link dialog) … and then the link opens in the same window again.

    Is this a known bug or a feature, perhaps? (authors don’t have permission to send people to another page?).

    PS We’re on WP 2.02.

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  • It is a feature.
    Users below the admin and editor level don’t have the ability to use “unfiltered html”.

    If you install the Role Manager plugin you can fine tune the capabilities of every user group.

    Thread Starter amarie


    Thanks moshu. I will take a close look at that plug-in.

    Your reply is going to send me back to my WordPress Visual Quick Start Guide though. ?? I thought that using the HTML Editor (they enable their “Use the Visual Rich Editor” option) is not the same as unfiltered HTML.

    Scratching my head … I don’t understand how it’s a *feature* that an Author can choose an available option (the dropdown menu in the Enter Link URL pop-up) and then WP strips it out with no notice/warning.

    Our authors got a little frustrated when we reminded them “hey you’re supposed to send links to a new page” and they said “we did, we did!”. We need to become better admins obviously … is there a list anywhere of this and other Rich Editor features that will get stripped out of author’s posts after Saving? So we can warn them beforehand.


    The whole thing is NOT related to the rich editor or other editor!
    It is about the default capabilities of the basic roles as defined in the vanilla WP install.
    No need for fancy visual guides, just the old-fashioned careful reading ??

    Thread Starter amarie


    Okay, well, do you *have* to use a plug-in? Is there some file in the theme or code that I can edit so that either a) I can allow authors to use unfiltered HTML or b) edit the list of what’s considered to be filtered HTML?

    Just hate to keep throwing plug-ins at the install…


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